More on Changing PatientID's

  • I have read the item on this topic and have an additional question.

    I work on the pacs server remotely and have limited physical access to the DICOM devices themselves. For this reason there are times when I prefer to re-push images to PACS.

    My example:

    I have patientID 0001 with a single study stored on PACS.

    The same patient is given PatientID 0002 and another single study is perfomed and pushed to PACS.

    May I delete patient 0002 from the PACS server, change the PatientID in the DICOM device itself and then re-push the image to the PACS server?

    Of course, this may only be achieved if the data is still stored on the DICOM device.


  • Good morning.

    We're used to delete from server the patient with wrong ID and then repush the corrected data to server. But now we have another issue: the entered (wrong) PatientID has a space. When I try to remove this study I don't succeed.

    We've tried to remove using --deletestudy: and using the web (cgi-bin) page, but the study is still there.

    Is there any way to delete studies with spaces at PatientID field?


    Gustavo F. Caetano
    Technical Coordinator and Biomedical Informatics Specialized Technician
    Image Sciences and Medical Physics Center
    Hospital das Clínicas - FMRP - USP

  • Sorry, I forgot to say that before: we're using ConQuest v1.4.15 (Linux - Debian).

    Gustavo F. Caetano
    Technical Coordinator and Biomedical Informatics Specialized Technician
    Image Sciences and Medical Physics Center
    Hospital das Clínicas - FMRP - USP

  • Hi,

    I have the same problem (1.4.15):

    Trying to delete a study with a space in the PatID (eg "c stam") using the cli command dgate.exe --deletestudy

    doesn't work on both Windows and Linux.

    Obviously the command stops reading at the space.
    Also noticed that images stored wit PatID "c stam" are stored in the MAG0 subdir "c_stam".
    Deleting with the Windows GUI works OK


  • Marcel,

    the command shlould then be dgate '--deletestudy:patid:studyuid' ?
    This doesn't work.
    Manuals says: dgate --deletestudy:patid:studyuid
    dgate '--deletestudy:mypatid:mystudyuid' also doesn't work
    dgate --deletestudy:'mypatid':mystudyuid also doesn't work

    without spaces in the patid all ok.


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