marcelvanherk Enlightened

  • from Amsterdam, the Netherlands
  • Member since Jan 4th 2007
  • Last Activity:
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  • Hi!

    did you test my .dcm?

    error repeat?

  • Hi,

    this is set by FileNameSyntax. The default is 4 I think. From the manual:

    4 (same as 3, but data is stored in chapter 10 format):
    filename = ID[16]\Seriesuid_Series#_Image#_TimeCounter.dcm

    You can define any filename name syntx you like as follows:

    Note: FileNameSyntax may also be string containing % that is treated as flexible filenamesyntax. e.g., %id\%studyid\%seriesid\%sopuid.dcm.
    This string may contain: %name=(0010,0010), %id=(0010,0020), %modality=(0008,0060), %studyid=(0020,0010), %studyuid=(0020,000D), %seriesid=(0020,0011), %series=(0020,0011) with 4 digits, %seriesuid=(0020,000E), %sopuid=(0008,0018), %imagenum=(0020,0013), %image=(0020,0013) as 6 digit integer, %imageid=(0054,0400), %studydesc=(0008,1030), %time, %counter = (4 digit hex), %calledae, %callingae, %studydate, %date (current date in yyyymmdd)


  • Hi Marcel - Me again.

    I've just noticed on a new installation of conquest that when I push data to it the folders being created only use 16 characters. This would be fine if the folders only had 16 characters but they don't so it's giving me a bit of headache. I'm sure I've missed something really simple. Can you enlighten me?

    And thanks for the help with the SOP Class. I'm in contact with vendor for a little more support but I managed a work around for the time being.



  • Hi,

    first make sure the VENC data's SOPClassUID is in dgatesop.lst.

    e.g like:

    TwelveLeadECGWaveformStorage 1.2.840.10008. sop

    The name is irrelevant.

    Then look for private sequences in the VENC data. If there are any, add those to dgate.dic. Other elements will give no problems.

    This is an example:

    (2005,1083) VERS="3" VR="SQ" VM="1" Keyword="TemporarySQ1" Name="Temporary SQ 1"

    The name will dhow up in header listings but is otherwise unimportant.

    Once you have a list of modifications I am happy to add them to the main release.

    Best regards.


    • Hi Marcel,

      Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I was on the right track then! I've had to contact GE directly to get the UID. Once I've got that I'll give it a whirl.


    • Hi,

      you can just read it from the header if you can drop the file into conquest!


  • Hi Marcel,

    Thanks for your help and support. I'm hoping I may have solved this little head scratcher but I wanted to run this by you first. We've not long commissioned a new GE Premier 3T MR. It's all going pretty well until we want to send send studies with 2D Flow (VENC) data. If we export from the scanner directly to a USB and import that scan to our application server all is well. However, if we go the normal route via the CONQEST PACS the flow data doesn't get to the application server. After some consultation with the GE engineers they have told me that the essential VENC tag is located at 0019,10CC. Further conversations with them suggested that a modification should be made to the corresponding dictionary file. I've grabbed the tag information from the GE manual, converted the data in the tables pertaining to all the 0019 tags and imported it into the the dgate.dic file. I've not, put this updated file into the live system as i wanted to check it out with you first. I can send you the GE information, a sample of what we're having issues with and my edited file. What do you reckon?



  • Hi,

    this is the conquest side. I meant the other side.


  • Hi,

    can it be that you have very short timeout in your c-get client?


    • I don't see any timeout settings.

      This is our dicom.ini file with all the configurations. We do not have any limitations setup.

      # This file contains configuration information for the DICOM server

      # Do not edit unless you know what you are doing


      MicroPACS = sscscp

      Edition = Personal

      # Network configuration: server name and TCP/IP port#


      TCPPort = 9998

      # Reference to other files: known dicom servers; database layout; sops

      ACRNemaMap =

      kFactorFile = dicom.sql

      SOPClassList = dgatesop.lst

      # Host(ignored), name, username and password for ODBC data source

      SQLHost = localhost

      SQLServer = DICOM_LOCAL

      Username = xxxxxxx

      Password = xxxxxx

      DoubleBackSlashToDB = 0

      UseEscapeStringConstants = 0

      # Configure database

      TruncateFieldNames = 10

      MaxFieldLength = 254

      MaxFileNameLength = 255

      FixPhilips = 1

      FixKodak = 0

      KeepAlive = 60

      LargeFileSizeKB = 1024

      PrintSquareLandscape = 0

      UseKpacsDecompression = 1

      ZipTime = 05:

      UIDPrefix = 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.1421.9998

      EnableReadAheadThread = 1

      PatientQuerySortOrder =

      StudyQuerySortOrder =

      SeriesQuerySortOrder =

      ImageQuerySortOrder =

      EnableComputedFields = 1

      IndexDBF = 1

      PackDBF = 0

      LongQueryDBF = 1000

      TCPIPTimeOut = 300

      FailHoldOff = 60

      RetryDelay = 100

      RetryForwardFailed = 0

      ImportExportDragAndDrop = 0

      QueueSize = 128

      WorkListMode = 0

      WorkListReturnsISO_IR_100 = 1

      DebugLevel = 4

      Prefetcher = 0

      LRUSort =

      AllowTruncate =

      DecompressNon16BitsJpeg = 1

      UseBuiltInJPEG = 1

      LossyQuality = 95

      IgnoreOutOfMemoryErrors = 0

      NoDICOMCheck = 0

      PadAEWithZeros = 0

      FileNameSyntax = 3

      # Configuration of compression for incoming images and archival

      DroppedFileCompression = n4

      IncomingCompression = n4

      ArchiveCompression = as

      # Names of the database tables

      PatientTableName = DICOMPatients

      StudyTableName = DICOMStudies

      SeriesTableName = DICOMSeries

      ImageTableName = DICOMImages

      WorkListTableName = DICOMWorkList

      DMarkTableName = DICOMAccessUpdates

      RegisteredMOPDeviceTable = RegisteredMOPIDs



      # Banner and host for debug information


      OperatorConsole =

      # Configure email of error messages

      MailHost =

      MailPort = smtp

      MailSignon =

      MailFromName =

      MailRcptName1 =

      MailCollectTime = 1

      MailWaitTime = 10

      # Configuration of disk(s) to store images

      MAGDeviceThreshhold = 0

      MAGDeviceFullThreshHold = 30

      IgnoreMAGDeviceThreshold = 0

      MAGDevices = 1

      MAGDevice0 = E:\dicomimages\

      NightlyCleanThreshhold = 0

      this excerpt is from the serverstatus.log.

      8/11/2023 12:56:52 PM [DICOM_LOCAL] Records = 1

      8/11/2023 12:56:52 PM [DICOM_LOCAL] Number of Images to send: 1

      8/11/2023 12:56:52 PM [DICOM_LOCAL] MyStudyRootRetrieveGeneric :: RetrieveOn

      8/11/2023 12:56:52 PM [DICOM_LOCAL] Locating file:MAG0 104850\

      8/11/2023 12:56:52 PM [DICOM_LOCAL] ReadAheadThread: readahead > 0000

      8/11/2023 12:56:52 PM [DICOM_LOCAL] RetrieveOn: givenout < 0000

      8/11/2023 12:56:52 PM [DICOM_LOCAL] Sending file : E:\dicomimages\104850\

      8/11/2023 12:56:52 PM [DICOM_LOCAL] Image Loaded from Read Ahead Thread, returning TRUE

      8/11/2023 12:56:53 PM [DICOM_LOCAL] [recompress]: recompressed with mode = un (strip=1)

      8/11/2023 12:56:53 PM [DICOM_LOCAL] Retrieve: remote connection dropped after 0 images, 1 not sent

      8/11/2023 12:56:53 PM [DICOM_LOCAL] C-Move (StudyRoot)

      8/11/2023 12:56:53 PM [DICOM_LOCAL] UPACS THREAD 48: ENDED AT: Fri Aug 11 12:56:53 2023


    • The error that I am getting when I try to view the image in the Conquest DICOM server1.4.17 says size too large for a 46mb image.

    • I am trying to attach an image but it does not see the drive on my PC.

    • Hi,

      there is a setting in dicom.ini; check the manual


  • Hi Marcel,

    It has been a while since we've communicated.

    I am having an issue that I was wondering if you had encountered previously.

    Weh our application calls for the image from the Study list, at times we see the image just fine but at other times after a short delay we get the message "C-MOVE failed - error number 1415 - C-MOVE SCP returned error status FE00" I acknowledge the image and try again and this time it retrieves the image.

    I checked the serverstatus.log this is the entry I see (no Errors):

    20230808 11:49:37

    20230808 11:49:37 UPACS THREAD 59: STARTED AT: Tue Aug 08 11:49:37 2023

    20230808 11:49:37 Calling Application Title : "M1783 "

    20230808 11:49:37 Called Application Title : "DICOM_LOCAL "

    20230808 11:49:37 Application Context : "1.2.840.10008.", PDU length: 16384

    20230808 11:49:37 Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008." 1

    20230808 11:49:37 C-Move Destination: "M1783 "

    20230808 11:49:37 Number of Images to send: 1

    20230808 11:49:37 Sending file : E:\dicomimages\104850\

    20230808 11:49:38 [recompress]: recompressed with mode = un (strip=1)

    20230808 11:49:38 C-Move (StudyRoot)

    20230808 11:49:38 UPACS THREAD 59: ENDED AT: Tue Aug 08 11:49:38 2023

    20230808 11:49:38 UPACS THREAD 59: TOTAL RUNNING TIME: 1 SECONDS

    20230808 11:49:42

    20230808 11:49:42 UPACS THREAD 60: STARTED AT: Tue Aug 08 11:49:42 2023

    20230808 11:49:42 Calling Application Title : "M1783 "

    20230808 11:49:42 Called Application Title : "DICOM_LOCAL "

    20230808 11:49:42 Application Context : "1.2.840.10008.", PDU length: 16384

    20230808 11:49:42 Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008." 1

    20230808 11:49:42 C-Move Destination: "M1783 "

    20230808 11:49:42 Number of Images to send: 1

    20230808 11:49:42 Sending file : E:\dicomimages\104850\

    20230808 11:49:43 [recompress]: recompressed with mode = un (strip=1)

    20230808 11:49:44 C-Move (StudyRoot)

    20230808 11:49:44 UPACS THREAD 60: ENDED AT: Tue Aug 08 11:49:44 2023

    20230808 11:49:44 UPACS THREAD 60: TOTAL RUNNING TIME: 2 SECONDS

    If you have encountered this before or can direct me to a possible solution for this, I would appreciate it.

    Arash J Behzadi

    Prime Clinical Systems, Inc.

  • Hi Marcel,

    We've got a new GE Premier 3T MRI but it's giving Conquest some problems (particularly with cardioac 2D flow (VENC(?) data). Previously we've been (and still) using Seimens kit so our instance of conquest appears to be tuned to that. The problem we're having is that GE are using different tags. Is there a GE dictionary for the private tags that we need to import or is it a specific setting within the DICOM.ini we need to tweak?



    • Hi Mike,

      have a look at such an an object. Especially all sequences must be defined in dgate.dic. I can have a look if you send me one.


    • Hi Marcel,

      thanks for getting back. I can't find a dgate.dic file within Conquest. what exactly would you like me to send (please forgive an old man....)


    • Hi,

      A DICOM image that fails to work


  • Hi Marcel

    Can you share the guide or steps how to run OHIF Viewer using the conquest. I had searched the forum but I cannot find the subject thread.

    Can you share the steps please



  • Hi Marcel,

    Do you think I deserve to be quoted in someplace in your git as a wado/qido node api contributor with a vue.js app demo?

    It will be useful only to my git curriculum.



    • Definitively!

      Can you tell me what the quote should look like?


    • Just make mention to my name as someone that help you in the development of node qido/wado API with a vuejs demo app. You can show it where you find better.

  • Hi, Marcel

    I have tried some commands, and I believe I found how you can generate a new index.umd.js from OHIF sources.

    Please try 'yarn build:package'. After the end, you get in dist folder:

    • Hi,


      that works, except that RTSTRUCT extension (and others I assume) are not loaded. Any idea?


    • Maybe I have,

      Let me try here

    • Hi Marcel

      After read the docs i guess i found the the solution here,…ipes/embedded-viewer.html

      You need compile each extension and add the script into index.html. The docs show a sample in link above

      Add Extensions

      The UMD build of the OHIF Viewer is a "light weight" build that only contains the core extensions required for basic 2D image viewing. It's possible to add other extensions at runtime.

      This only requires us to include a single script tag, and add it using the extensions key to our config. In this practical example, we register our popular whole slide microscopy extension:

      <script src="" crossorigin
      <!-- --->
      <script> window.config = { // ... extensions: [OHIFExtDicomMicroscopy], };

      You can see an example of a slide microscopy study in the viewer with the extension enabled here (source code) and without it here (source code).

      You can read more about extensions and how to create your own in our extensions guide.

    • yarn build:package-all should build all index.umd to all them

    • you will need add one script tag to each extension and it to extensions array as well

  • Hello Mr. Marcel,


    Can you please guide me on this:

    By default when any Dicom images comes from modalities to Conquest database, the folder name shows as PatientID, but I changed the “FileNameSyntax = 5”, now all the incoming Folder name changed to PatientName, can you please guide me how I can store the all data in different folders for different modalities. For example, when CT modality send the data it store into “..\data\CT” folder, for MR studies it store into “..\data\MR” folder.

    Also how can I create a folder with Date and time ?



    Like this.

    Hope I get the answer soon :)

  • Does it crash on a particular image?

    Make sure nodicomcheck=0


  • hi Marcel

    I have a Question regarding Re-initialize. I have a large DB and when I re-initialized, I can only see 297 Studies. i tried three times and each time the record stopped re-initializing at 297

    can you tell me Whats going on

  • Hi Marcel

    i want to know if i can connect Horus Station in MacOS with a Coquest Server via WADO retrieve mode, and if its posible how can i setup that conection

    i already confiure horus conection via c-get retrieve mode but seems a lot slow, i want to try WADO


  • hi marcel

    i have a problem in transferring the nuclear studies to the dicom server and i need someone to assist me with this ASAP please

    error ::dicommove remote dicom error


    • Sorry, but this is too little information to be of help.


    • when i transfer some files from conquest to the dicom server it is giving this error message and it is not transferring

      error :dicommove remote dicom error

      can we have a call and ill let you run with me everything?

    • Hi Duha,

      usually this is when the archive does not accept a specific image type. Can you share the log up to there?


    • it is not working to transfer them

      so we are downloading some studies and when we try to send them to the dicom server it does not work , we don't receive them

      if we can call you we would explain everything for you

    • Conquest is free software. I can only offer offline support. Usually this happens when the image source does not have the configuation of conquest set correctly.


      Like 1
  • Hi Marcel,

    I'm stuck with an export converter that just wont work. Can you have a look for me? I've attached our DICOM.ini file The one in question is the last one ExportConverter 16



    # This file contains configuration information for the DICOM server

    # Do not edit unless you know what you are doing


    MicroPACS = sscscp

    Edition = Personal

    # Network configuration: server name and TCP/IP port#


    TCPPort = 3140

    # Reference to other files: known dicom servers; database layout; sops

    ACRNemaMap =

    kFactorFile = dicom.sql

    SOPClassList = dgatesop.lst

    # Host, database, username and password for MySql database

    SQLHost = localhost

    SQLServer = conquest

    Username = root

    Password = Tc4ee22**

    MySql = 1

    DoubleBackSlashToDB = 1

    UseEscapeStringConstants = 0

    # Configure database

    TruncateFieldNames = 10

    MaxFieldLength = 254

    MaxFileNameLength = 255

    FixPhilips = 0

    FixKodak = 0

    KeepAlive = 60

    LargeFileSizeKB = 4096

    PrintSquareLandscape = 0

    UseKpacsDecompression = 1

    ZipTime = 05:

    UIDPrefix = 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.135.735803.49491769

    EnableReadAheadThread = 1

    PatientQuerySortOrder =

    StudyQuerySortOrder =

    SeriesQuerySortOrder =

    ImageQuerySortOrder =

    EnableComputedFields = 1

    IndexDBF = 1

    PackDBF = 0

    LongQueryDBF = 1000

    TCPIPTimeOut = 300

    FailHoldOff = 60

    RetryDelay = 100

    RetryForwardFailed = 0

    ImportExportDragAndDrop = 0

    QueueSize = 128

    WorkListMode = 0

    WorkListReturnsISO_IR_100 = 1

    DebugLevel = 0

    Prefetcher = 0

    LRUSort =

    AllowTruncate =

    DecompressNon16BitsJpeg = 1

    UseBuiltInJPEG = 1

    LossyQuality = 95

    IgnoreOutOfMemoryErrors = 0

    NoDICOMCheck = 0

    PadAEWithZeros = 0

    AllowEmptyPatientID = 0

    FileNameSyntax = 4

    # Configuration of compression for incoming images and archival

    DroppedFileCompression = un

    IncomingCompression = un

    ArchiveCompression = as

    # Names of the database tables

    PatientTableName = DICOMPatients

    StudyTableName = DICOMStudies

    SeriesTableName = DICOMSeries

    ImageTableName = DICOMImages

    WorkListTableName = DICOMWorkList

    DMarkTableName = DICOMAccessUpdates

    RegisteredMOPDeviceTable = RegisteredMOPIDs



    # Banner and host for debug information


    OperatorConsole =

    # Configure email of error messages

    MailHost =

    MailPort = smtp

    MailSignon =

    MailFromName =

    MailRcptName1 =

    MailCollectTime = 1

    MailWaitTime = 10

    # Configuration of disk(s) to store images

    MAGDeviceThreshhold = 0

    MAGDeviceFullThreshHold = 500

    IgnoreMAGDeviceThreshold = 0

    MAGDevices = 2

    MAGDevice0 = E:\images\

    MAGDevice1 = c:\images1\

    NightlyCleanThreshhold = 0

    NightlyMoveThreshhold = 0

    NightlyMoveTarget =

    # Configuration of forwarding and/or converter programs to export DICOM slices

    ForwardAssociationLevel = SERIES

    ForwardAssociationCloseDelay = 5

    ForwardAssociationRefreshDelay = 3600

    ForwardAssociationRelease = 1

    ExportConverters = 20

    #Forward any incomming data to OCMRBACKUP unless it's coming from OCMRBACKUP

    ExportConverter0 = ifequal "%u","OCMRBACKUP"; stop; forward to OCMRBACKUP

    #Forward cardiac research scans to CVI42

    #"ifequal "%V0008,0016",""; stop;" stops the transfer of objects with the seimens non-image SOPclass which breaks CVI42 (spectroscopy etc.)

    ExportConverter1 = ifequal "%i[6,7]", "c1"; ifequal "%V0008,0016",""; stop; forward to CVI42

    ExportConverter2 = ifequal "%i[4,5]", "C0"; ifequal "%V0008,0016",""; stop; forward to CVI42

    ExportConverter3 = ifequal "%i[4,5]", "C1"; ifequal "%V0008,0016",""; stop; forward to CVI42

    ExportConverter4 = ifequal "%i[6,7]", "C0"; ifequal "%V0008,0016",""; stop; forward to CVI42

    ExportConverter5 = ifequal "%i[6,7]", "C1"; ifequal "%V0008,0016",""; stop; forward to CVI42

    #06 Forward neuro scans to FTP

    ExportConverter6 = ifequal "%i[4,5]", "n0"; forward to OCMRFTP; ifequal "%i[6,7]", "N0"; forward to OCMRFTP; ifequal "%i[4,5]", "N1"; forward to OCMRFTP; ifequal "%i[6,7]", "N1"; forward to OCMRFTP

    #07 Forward anonymised Abdominal studies to FTP (and CVI42 for Dragana Savic (MM 16/12/2020))

    ExportConverter7 = ifequal "%i[4,5]", "A0"; forward to OCMRFTP; ifequal "%i[4,5]", "A1"; forward to OCMRFTP; ifequal "%i[6,7]", "A0"; forward to OCMRFTP; ifequal "%i[6,7]", "A1"; forward to OCMRFTP;

    #08 Forward anonymised Cardiac studies C13-07 and C14-11 to FTP - for Christina Levick

    ExportConverter8 = ifequal "%i[6,11]", "C13-07"; forward to OCMRFTP; ifequal "%i[6,11]", "C14-11"; forward to OCMRFTP; ifequal "%i[4,9]", "C13-07"; forward to OCMRFTP; ifequal "%i[4,9]", "C14-11"; forward to OCMRFTP

    #09 Forward anonymised Cardiac studies C16-01 and C16-02 to FTP - for Adam Lewandovski - AR 04/10/2017

    ExportConverter9 = ifequal "%i[6,11]", "C16-01"; forward to OCMRFTP; ifequal "%i[6,11]", "C16-02"; forward to OCMRFTP; ifequal "%i[4,9]", "C16-01"; forward to OCMRFTP; ifequal "%i[4,9]", "C16-02"; forward to OCMRFTP

    #10 Forward C18-06 and c19-* to FTP - for Marco Spartera - AR 16/1/2019

    ExportConverter10 = ifequal "%i[6,11]", "C18-06"; forward to OCMRFTP; ifequal "%i[4,9]", "C18-06"; forward to OCMRFTP; ifequal "%i[6,9]", "C19-"; forward to OCMRFTP; ifequal "%i[4,7]", "C19-"; forward to OCMRFTP

    #11 Forward C18-03 & C19-09, C20-04, C20-05 to FTP - for Sara Gooding

    ExportConverter11 = ifequal "%i[6,11]", "C18-03"; forward to OCMRFTP; ifequal "%i[4,9]", "C18-03"; forward to OCMRFTP; ifequal "%i[6,11]", "C19-09"; forward to OCMRFTP; ifequal "%i[4,9]", "C19-09"; forward to OCMRFTP;

    #12 Forward N20 to CVI42 & FTP - C-MORE

    ExportConverter12 = ifequal "%i[6,8]", "N20"; forward to CVI42; ifequal "%i[4,6]", "N20"; forward to CVI42; ifequal "%i[6,8]", "N20"; forward to OCMRFTP; ifequal "%i[4,6]", "N20"; forward to OCMRFTP;

    #13 Forward cardiac research scans to CVI42

    ExportConverter13 = ifequal "%i[6,7]", "C2"; forward to CVI42; ifequal "%i[4,5]", "C2"; forward to CVI42

    #14 Forward C20-04, C20-05 to FTP for Adam Lewandowski (MM16/12/2020)

    ExportConverter14 = ifequal "%i[6,11]", "C20-04"; forward to OCMRFTP; ifequal "%i[4,9]", "C20-04"; forward to OCMRFTP; ifequal "%i[6,11]", "C20-05"; forward to OCMRFTP; ifequal "%i[4,9]", "C20-05"; forward to OCMRFTP

    #15 Forward Abdominal scans to CVI42 for Dragana Savic (MM 16/12/2020)

    ExportConverter15 = ifequal "%i[6,8]", "A20"; forward to CVI42; ifequal "%i[4,6]", "A20"; forward to CVI42

    #16 Forward C20-03 to FTP for Rebecca Chamley (MM 22/07/2021)

    ExportConverter16 = ifequal "%i[0,5]", "C20-03"; forward to OCMRFTP

    ForwardCollectDelay = 600

    MaximumExportRetries = 10

    MaximumDelayedFetchForwardRetries = 5

  • Hola, tenemos este error en algunos ordenadores de un hospital, puedes ayudarnos?.

    [852] >>: solicitud c-find para StudyInstanceUID: 1.2.392.200036.9125.2.4819184392.64774567713.12489 iniciado

    [852] >>: resultado de c-find: 3 secuencias en estudio con UID 1.2.392.200036.9125.2.4819184392.64774567713.12489

    [852] >>: solicitud de c-move para la secuencia 1.2.392.200036.9125.3.4819184392.64774567714.124814 iniciada.

    [852] >>: Error: recuperación fallida para , Estudio:, Secuencia: 1001

    [852] >>: solicitud de c-move para la secuencia 1.2.392.200036.9125.3.4819184392.64774567714.124819 iniciada.

    [852] >>: Error: recuperación fallida para , Estudio:, Secuencia: 1002

    [852] >>: solicitud de c-move para la secuencia 1.2.392.200036.9125.3.4819184392.64774567714.124824 iniciada.

    [852] >>: Error: recuperación fallida para , Estudio:, Secuencia: 1003

    [852] >>: solicitud de c-move para la secuencia 1.2.392.200036.9125.3.4819184392.64774567714.124829 iniciada.

    [852] >>: Error: recuperación fallida para , Estudio:, Secuencia: 1004

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** **

    07/10/2020 10:46:56 ThreadID [852]: Cerrado.

    Tarea procesada con errores

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** **

    07/10/2020 11:07:58 ThreadID [1980]: Se inició la recuperación de imágenes de CONQUESTSRV1

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** **

    [1980] >>: solicitud c-find para StudyInstanceUID: 1.2.392.200036.9125.2.4819184392.64774554524.140825 iniciado

    [1980] >>: resultado de c-find: 2 secuencias en estudio con UID 1.2.392.200036.9125.2.4819184392.64774554524.140825

    [1980] >>: solicitud de c-move para la secuencia 1.2.392.200036.9125.3.4819184392.64774554524.140826 iniciada.

    [1980] >>: Error: no se pudo recuperar la prueba, Estudio:, Secuencia: 1001

    [1980] >>: solicitud de c-move para la secuencia 1.2.392.200036.9125.3.4819184392.64774555118.140828 iniciada.

    [1980] >>: Error: no se pudo recuperar la prueba, Estudio:, Secuencia: 1002

    [1980] >>: solicitud de c-move para la secuencia 1.2.392.200036.9125.3.4819184392.64774555118.140829 iniciada.

    [1980] >>: Error: no se pudo recuperar la prueba, Estudio:, Secuencia: 1003

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** **

    07/10/2020 11:09:02 ThreadID [1980]: Cerrado.

    Tarea procesada con errores

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    ¿Alguien puede ayudarme?


    • What software is reprting this. Is it talking to Conquest? Usually this happens if conquest cannot find the destination of the C_MOVe.


    • Hola el software es K-PACKS, cuando buescas las radiografias en red del día al visionarlas error LOADING y pantalla negra. gracias por tu ayuda

    • Check the AE (name) IP address and PORT of kpacs are correct in 'known dicom providers'. Also a firewall on KPACS might be a problem.

    • Hola gracias por tu respuesta, los puertos y la ip están ok igual que en los equipos donde si funciona, mañana pararemos el antivirus del servidor y el cortafuegos y te digo, el antivirus de los puestos y firewire los hemos parado. Gracias

  • I guess kpserver (kpacs reciever service) is not working and conquest is fine.


  • Hi Marcel,

    Yes, i can see the list but when I try to open at K-pacs, occurs an error and that message pop-up for me:

    "Retrieve from archive "KPSERVER" failed.

    >In case "Log DICOM Network Communication" was activated, you will find more details information in the log file.

    >Most likely, AE Title, IP or Port are misconfigured on the server you are trying to reach."

    And the code of error at the logs is 2516 (Error retreive conquest). It's like this at the message ('retreive' and not 'retrieve').

    Maybe an archive of k-pacs it's not working. I already checked the configuration at both (K-pacs and Conquest) and It's Ok.

    I have other PCs at the same network and it's working.

    Thank's again.


  • Hi,

    in KPACS you can see the list of patients, but you cannot retrieve?

    Is there a message in conquest?


  • Hi Marcel,

    I have short breakout, and one PC turned-off. After restarting, I got the following error:

    "Retrieve from archive "KPSERVER" failed.

    >In case "Log DICOM Network Communication" was activated, you will find more details information in the log file.

    >Most likely, AE Title, IP or Port are misconfigured on the server you are trying to reach."

    After that, I checked the log file which show me:

    [2516] >>: Error retreive conquest, ETC...

    I already checked the IP's (it's not automatic). The data come to the K-pacs, but I can't retrieve the images from Conquest.

    Could you kindly help me to solve this problem?



  • Hi Marcel. Are you Ok? It’s rare that you no see the new post of user’s. I hope you’re fine. Best wishes...

  • Sorry, I am not site admin; I cannot do this.

  • hi marcelvanherk

    sorry i can't send you a pm so i'll try it here :)

    i do have an issue with changing my e-mail address: I don't get a verification e-mail. I've already tried it several times. and no, there is no e-mail in the spam-folder ;)

    could you or someone else at your team change the e-mail address manually?

    thanks and best regards!

  • Hey Marcel sorry to write you here but I can't send you a pm and figure this is better than a thread.

    I was wondering if you'd consider doing a little forum cleanup. There are some older announcements (such as previous versions) that can probably be taken off the front page to make browsing a little easier. I was also thinking there may be a good use for an additional subforum for Projects and Configurations like the webviewer integrations and completed Lua scripts or other tools.

    I'd be happy to pitch in if forum management isn't your thing. Thanks by the way for continuing to spend as much time here as you do. We all appreciate it.

    • Hi I agree; I have already a changed a number of announcements to regular posts before. But because it is not my own forum I do no have permission to create subforms I think.


  • hi marcel,

    what's about this error.

    i have two errors:


    ***Failed to Listen () - bind error


    ***Error saving to SQL: U2002299\

    thanks a lot

    • Hi why don't you post on the forum?

      1) kill dgate(64).exe with task manager if this happens

      2) not enough information; for all images or some, any mesages around, debug log post etc


    • thnx marcel i reboot the server and now it's ok.


  • The name is not used, so if you know it is fine but otherwise anything goes.Marcel