Recent Activities

  • Erik Virtel


    8) iQ-VIEW 4.0 8)

    Download the new version in our download center.

    What’s new in iQ-VIEW 4.0?


    • Speedy query/retrieve: Retrieve CT/MR studies from remote DICOM archives 2 - 3.5 times faster than before.
    • Twice as fast
  • evellienn

    Replied to the thread Some questions about web server.
    (Quote from marcelvanherk)

    It worked. Thank you very much for your help.
  • TraineePACS

    Reacted with Thanks to marcelvanherk’s post in the thread K-Pacs to K-Pacs?.
    Reaction (Post)
    Here is an example:

    ip_address is the IP address of your computer, e.g. type IPCONFIG in a command prompt and find:

    Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
    Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::c5e2:626a:fe4b:a6e4%14
    IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . .…
  • Admin

    Added the version 4.0.0 of the file iQ-VIEW Brochure in English.
    File Version
    iQ-VIEW 4.0 Brochure 300dpi PUB INT EN 001R
  • stridde

    Added the version 4.0.0 of the file iQ-VIEW DICOM Conformance Statements.
    File Version
    Filename: iQ-VIEW 4.0 DICOM Conformance Statement - 001R
    Type: PDF
    Language: English
  • stridde

    Added the version 4.0.0 of the file iQ-VIEW Instructions for Use in German.
    File Version
    Filename: iQ-VIEW 4.0 Instructions for Use DE - 001R.pdf
    Type: PDF
    Language: German
    Release date: 2024-05-24
  • stridde

    Added the version 4.0.0 of the file iQ-VIEW Instructions for Use in English.
    File Version
    Filename: iQ-VIEW 4.0 Instructions for Use EN - 001R.pdf
    Type: PDF
    Language: English
    Release date: 2024-05-24
  • stridde

    Added the version 4.0.0 of the file iQ-VIEW Administration Guides.
    File Version
    Filename: iQ-VIEW 4.0 Administration Guide - 002R.pdf
    Type: PDF
    Language: English
    Release date: 2024-06-18
  • stridde

    Added the version 4.0.0 of the file iQ-VIEW incl. iQ-LITE.
    File Version
    See for more details regarding features and bug fixes.

    This installation package contains the following product versions:
    • iQ-VIEW 4.0.0
    • iQ-LITE 3.2.1


    :arrow: When installing iQ-VIEW 4.0, iQ-3D is
  • marcelvanherk

    Replied to the thread K-Pacs to K-Pacs?.
    Here is an example:

    ip_address is the IP address of your computer, e.g. type IPCONFIG in a command prompt and find:

    Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
    Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::c5e2:626a:fe4b:a6e4%14
    IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . .…
  • TraineePACS

    Replied to the thread K-Pacs to K-Pacs?.
    Can you provide steps as to how I can achieve this? Maybe a link? Like I said previously, I'm fairly new to this and any sort of detailed guidance would be appreciated.

    1. Installation process of Conquest (what configurations should I make?)
    2. How…
  • marcelvanherk

    Replied to the thread Some questions about web server.

    userlogin is in config.php. However, you are using the cgi-bin interface that is retired. Try xxx\app\newweb. This uses a php interface.

  • evellienn

    Hi everyone,

    I've recently started the conquest dicom web server part, but I have a few questions about configuring it. I would be very grateful if anyone can answer them.

    1. Can you please tell me what I need to do to make the login panel appear…
  • Takisi manganji

    i did it like as it mentioned

    SQLHost =
    SQLServer =
    Username =
    Password =

    ImportConverters = 1
    ImportConverter0 = forward to Efilm channel *; destroy;

    works perfectly fine for me ..…
  • mpearson

    Hi Taski,

    If you are only doing forwarding then have a look at the section "DICOM Routing without a database" in Appendix 2 of the windows manual.

  • Takisi manganji

    In dicom conquest I need a configuration that deletes the dcm images of a patient from database after it exports to it's desired pacs using export converter..just simply to say that it will be deleted after getting export
  • marcelvanherk

    Replied to the thread Conquest 1.5.0d released.

    I would stick with maklinux to get conquest working. It also seems you use an older version.

  • mars23

    Replied to the thread Conquest 1.5.0d released.

    After this I don’t see research results and the button doesn’t work regenerate database
  • marcelvanherk

    Replied to the thread Conquest 1.5.0d released.
    Hi, starts a web-based installer, nothing more. It does not do anything by itself apart from building dgatesmall and setting up app/service web folder. What control panel and files are you talking about?

  • marcelvanherk

    Replied to the thread K-Pacs to K-Pacs?.
    This is easily done with Conquest.
