K-PACS Server as NT-Service

  • Hello to all,

    the new Version 0.9.5 brings an NT-Service manager. It is called kpserver-nt-service.exe and you find it in KPACS\K-PACS-Server\

    To install and uninstall the server as Windows service rund it via windows console (cmd) with the following options:

    IM means install as manual service, IA install as automated service, U means uninstall service.

    If you install as automated service, K-PACS server will start up with windows ( wheter you are locked in or not).


  • Hi,

    I try to run KPACS like you said, but after everything done it's not running without program opening up.
    I checked in windows services it configure to run automatic, servic was stop. Try to start up, it start and stop. I try several times.
    Any instruction please.


  • Hello everyone out there,

    I´ve tried to start kpserver.exe as service (cmd > c:\KPacs\K-Pacs-Server\kpserver.exe /IA) but i´ve got the Errormessage:

    IQ-View Server based on OFFIS DCMTK StoreSCP, IMAGE Information Systems ltd, all rights reserved

    storescp: DICOM storage (C-STORE) SCP
    error: Invalid parameter value /IA

    Did I make a mistake?

    Even with the NT Resource Kit (instsrv.exe and srvany.exe [theWindows way to make a Programm act like a service]) there comes an Errormessage.

    What´s wrong?

    Gruß, Bommy

  • Hello,

    I´ve got it!!! You have to run kpserver-nt-service.exe in the KPacs-directory and not kpserver.exe

    C:\KPacs\K-Pacs-Server>kpserver-nt-service.exe /IA
    KPServer - (c) 2005 by Image Information Systems ltd.-

    Attempting to install "KPServer" as an autostart service
    "KPServer" was successfully installed

    Okay, that´s it

    If You can read, it is advantageous!!!! :wink:

  • Hi,
    I would like to know if it is possible to copy the figures that are made to do a measure in an image. For example I draw a circle and I want to copy it to other images.
    Other question is if the center of that circled can be determined with the programme.

    Thank you very much.

  • I am attempting to use kpserver-NT-Service.exe on Windows 2008R2 with no luck.

    I get this when I run the command:

    C:\KPacs\K-Pacs-Server>kpserver-NT-Service.exe /IA
    KPServer - (c) 2005 by Image Information Systems ltd.-
    Attempting to install "KPServer" as an autostart service
    The system could not find the environment option that was entered.

    I have two questions:

    1. Are there any plans to release and updated version of kpserver-NT-Service.exe or, barring that,

    2. Does anyone know of an approach to loading and running kpserver as a service on Windows 2008 that actually works?


  • any update as to this question? I have the same problem. Regards

  • Dear glynnm

    Please keep in mind that both iQ-VIEW and K-PACS are workstation software and are not meant to run on server operating systems.

    The DICOM server component of iQ-VIEW has been largely improved. The IQSERVER can be installed as Windows service and will run as such. The server administration tool has been enhanced and now allows a very easy configuration of the DICOM SCP component.

    Feel free to try the latest version of iQ-VIEW on workstation OS, such as Windows 7 or Windows XP.

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