ZIP / TAR files not uploading on web interface but .v2 does

  • Hi

    I am new to Conquest. I just installed it on a 32 bit Ubuntu linux system. The program works fine and I am able to upload v2 files from the web interface. However I can upload only one v2 file at a time! When I try zipping together all the v2 files I want to upload and then try uploading, I get a upload success message, but there is no data seen in my database folder. Also when I tried to directly SCP data to the database folder (MagDevice0), name the data folder something and then try to view the data using the web interface, the newly uploaded folder doesn't show up.

    Any ideas on how to fix the above issues ..? Am I doing something incorrectly? Thanks in advance!


  • Hi Prahlad,

    you have to scp into a 'incoming' folder under 'data'. Otherwise the data is not added to the database. To allow unzipping you need to get 7za and put it in the conquest folder.


  • Thanks, Marcel! Downloading 7za helped with the zip uploading issue. I'm not sure I followed your comment on the 'incoming' folder and the 'data' folder. Do I need to create a folder called 'data' in my MagDevice0 designated location and scp data into that folder named 'data'..? I did also notice there is a folder called 'data' with three sub-folders in my main Conquest installation directory. Is the data to be scp'ed into the 'data' folder in the Conquest installation instead..?

    Thanks again!

  • Dear Marcel,

    I've tried to import studies of computer tomography. As you suggested before, I've created the incoming folder and copied folders with files. But those files didn't import.

    Part of configuration file.

    # Configuration of disk(s) to store images
    MAGDeviceThreshhold = 0
    MAGDevices = 1
    MAGDevice0 = D:\dicom_base\2013y\
    NightlyCleanThreshhold = 0

    The "incoming" folder has a path D:\dicom_base\2013y\incoming. Files have no extension.
    If I drag and drop content of the folder to Conquest Dicom Server User Interface all of the files import well.
    Conquest Dicom Server version is 1.4.14.
    What did I do wrong?

  • Hi Marcel

    Pardon me for my very basic question. How do I do scp? I read the dgate command and didn't find a clue.


    Quote from marcelvanherk

    Hi Prahlad,

    you have to scp into a 'incoming' folder under 'data'. Otherwise the data is not added to the database. To allow unzipping you need to get 7za and put it in the conquest folder.


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