Conquest 1.5.0b with MS SQL issue

  • CPU usage is just an indication (all processes togheter use about 5-10% this is quite low).

    The real issue is that after a query time out, dgate, SQL and lsass continue to consume resources more than normal for a long time, maybe 10 to 30mn depending on queries.

    And this combines : if several "big" queries comes every 2 minutes for exemple, ram usage by dgate grows exponentially, as the CPU for other processes does beecause each query add a little overload.

  • Hi Marcel,

    Sadly I have no relevant entries in SQL logs.

    I tried to raise timeout duration, disabled the query governor with no change : results to big queries remain 0, and resources are still eaten for a while.

  • Hi Marcel, I don't want to mix things, but this issue reminds me a problem I have seen after the recent update of my installation. The topic is "repeated login to SQL", and the culprit was the lsss process. To quote myself, " I found that dgate64 logins and logout from SQL for each image. Apparently, the vast majority of time is used to do these continuos logins, that seem to tax lsass and cause unneded delays. I wonder if these logins for each image are needed. Couldn't be kept logged-in the proces, at least for some minutes?"

    The issue remained unresolved, and I relaize just now that you actually replied to my last post and I did not notice it.

    If this is the same issue, I'm still available to do testing.

  • Hi,

    The login happens per association, I think. So that should not be per image. Some scripting commands do login again though. But I will add logging to that as well for testing.


  • Hi enpq,

    your post was about regen - that has been fixed since then.

    Hi Manzing, This link is a version where retries have been reduced from 60 (sorry) to 6. Each login and each retry will log to the console (the latter with erorr message).



  • Marcel,

    Here is a partial log after a 10 years archive query :

    After about 30 secondes (less than a minute for sure), my dicom client ends search and displays : 0 results.

    As you can see in the log, the query took 24 minutes to complete !

    I have about 40 to 50 lines "logging in to SQL" each second during the whole process (and about 1-2 / second when idle).

    This should obviously explain the issues I faced since I use SQL.

  • Hi Marcel,

    Yes I have 2 lua scripts called in the lua section of dicom.ini that I use to allow multiple modalities query but actually it does not work anymore as it used to.

    I disabled it and tried a search, the behavior is the same : more than 20mn to process the query.

    My DB is rather large though, nearly 6M images and 4+TB data.

  • Ah,

    I have an idea. The query probably asks for the number of study related instances, which is queried every time, for every study. If you disable enableComputedFields the query will be loads faster.


  • Ah,

    I have an idea. The query probably asks for the number of study related instances, which is queried every time, for every study. If you disable enableComputedFields the query will be loads faster.


    WOW, Marcel, thank you so much, you just gave me THE solution.

    No more excess login request, no more timeout, my client was able to display the 62476 results to my big 10 years query in 94 seconds.

    I am going to write this down right now : never enable "enableComputedFields" when using MS SQL server DB.

    Many thanks you are definitly my Hero :)

  • Use QueryConverter0 to simplify offending queries, e.g. (sample untested):


    QueryConverter0 = if Data.PatientID=='' and Data.NumberOfStudyRelatedObjects then Data.NumberOfStudyRelatedObjects=nil end


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