printer_files folder

  • Hi,

    I just realized that my printer_files is full of files... I mean hundreds of thousands of files, all .jpg
    From what I understand this folder is used as a tmp for compression process, am I right?
    So it looks like those jpgs are not deleted after compression.. maybe... no idea. I use j2 as a compression method.

    Do you know what may be causing this kind of behavior? Unfortunately this node was not updated for a looong time and is still 1.4.17beta3. Is that a known bug in this version? If so, can I safely delete those files? (already upgraded to latest version)

  • update: so I now got rid of those files, updated to latest version of dgate and I already have 1500 new files there... so they are still created. Question is WHY and how to turn it off?

  • No one can help? :( I need to fix that somehow. When the number of those files reaches such big numbers it begins to impact other things because windows just can't handle so many files in one folder. Yes I can use scheduler to clear it but I'd rather know WHY this is happening.
    Last time I tried to open this folder I waited over an hour and then just gave up.. had to delete it all. (btw deleting took >5hours, 1.400.000 files as it turned out)

  • Hi,

    These are temporary files that should be deleted automatically. Can you post your dicom.ini for me? Are there any log entries when data is compressed? And are you running conquest as a service? It may not have enough rights to delete the temp files.


  • I just sent one study and out of 578 images only 19 were affected by this. (as in there are 19 new .jpg in printer_files). So it doesn't look like a permission issue.

    [sscscp]MicroPACS = sscscpEdition = Personal# Network configuration: server name and TCP/IP port#MyACRNema =ARPACS1TCPPort = 2005# Reference to other files: known dicom servers; database layout; sopsACRNemaMap = acrnema.mapkFactorFile = dicom.sqlSOPClassList = dgatesop.lst# Host(ignored), name, username and password for ODBC data sourceSQLHost = localhostSQLServer =mpacs1Username =mpacs1Password =mpacs1Postgres = 1BrowseThroughDBF = 1DoubleBackSlashToDB =1UseEscapeStringConstants = 1# Configure databaseTruncateFieldNames = 10MaxFieldLength = 254MaxFileNameLength = 255FixPhilips = 0FixKodak = 0KeepAlive = 0LargeFileSizeKB = 4096PrintSquareLandscape = 0UseKpacsDecompression = 1ZipTime = 05:UIDPrefix =1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.1326.4EnableReadAheadThread = 1PatientQuerySortOrder = StudyQuerySortOrder = SeriesQuerySortOrder = ImageQuerySortOrder = EnableComputedFields = 1IndexDBF = 1PackDBF = 0LongQueryDBF = 1000TCPIPTimeOut = 300FailHoldOff = 60RetryDelay = 100RetryForwardFailed = 0ImportExportDragAndDrop = 1QueueSize = 128WorkListMode = 0WorkListReturnsISO_IR_100 = 1DebugLevel = 0Prefetcher = 0LRUSort = AllowTruncate = DecompressNon16BitsJpeg = 1UseBuiltInJPEG = 1LossyQuality = 95IgnoreOutOfMemoryErrors = 0NoDICOMCheck = 0PadAEWithZeros = 0FileNameSyntax =4# Configuration of compression for incoming images and archivalDroppedFileCompression = j2IncomingCompression = j2ArchiveCompression = j2# Names of the database tablesPatientTableName = DICOMPatientsStudyTableName = DICOMStudiesSeriesTableName = DICOMSeriesImageTableName = DICOMImagesDMarkTableName = DICOMAccessUpdatesRegisteredMOPDeviceTable = RegisteredMOPIDsUIDToMOPIDTable = UIDToMOPIDUIDToCDRIDTable = UIDToCDRID# Banner and host for debug informationPACSName =ARPACS1OperatorConsole = Configure email of error messagesMailHost = MailPort = smtpMailSignon = MailFromName = MailRcptName1 = MailCollectTime = 1MailWaitTime = 10# Configuration of disk(s) to store imagesMAGDeviceThreshhold = 0MAGDeviceFullThreshHold = 30IgnoreMAGDeviceThreshold = 0MAGDevices = 1MAGDevice0 = f:\Data\MAGDevice1 = f:\Data1\NightlyCleanThreshhold = 0# Configuration of converter programs to export DICOM slicesExportConverters =2ExportModality0 =CTExportConverter0 =AddFile2.exeExportModality1 =MRExportConverter1 =AddFile2.exeImportConverters = 1ImportConverter0 = ifequal "%m", "SR"; destroy;

    All I see in log looks ok to me. No errors or anything. Just this:

    20150628 16:56:07 [recompress]: recompressed with mode = j2 (strip=0)
    20150628 16:56:07 Written file: f:\Data\71041414794\
    20150628 16:56:07 [recompress]: recompressed with mode = j2 (strip=0)
    20150628 16:56:07 Written file: f:\Data\71041414794\

    It is running as a service.

  • That is a very good question :D and "I have no idea" would be the answer.
    This is 3rd party exe which, from what I understand, is responsible for hl7 communication. From what I hear it reads tags from each image and based on that info sends hl7 to our worklist and RIS... but like I said it's 3rd party so I don't really know exactly.

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