exportconverter does not create directory !

  • Hello,

    I have quite a strange situation on a linux server where I'm not able anymore to create directories and sub-directories with the exportconverter. I simply use the mkdir --parents function and it was working in the past (long time ago). I noticed it is always failing now after two conquest upgrades to 16f last year then 17d.

    ExportConverters = 2
    ExportConverter0 = mkdir -p "/home/images/%V0010,0010/%V0008,0020"
    ExportConverter1 = dcmj2pnm +oj +Sxv 1024 %f "/home/images/%V0010,0010/%V0008,0020/%b.jpg"

    I can see the following directly in the console (but not in the log ??) :
    F: cannot create file /home/images/QUICK/20150202/1.2.392.200036.9125.3.1962171351018510.64769277586.645614_1006_001006_14228676630005.jpg

    And in serverstatus.log, I never have anything related to this error or to Exportconverter0.0
    Mon Feb 2 10:00:59 2015 Exportconverter1.0 executes: dcmj2pnm +o blablabla

    So I'm a bit lost, I tried also to put everything on the same line with only one exportconverter, tried to mkdir only one directory at a time, checked at least 1 space character around the equal sign, always the same issue, it seems the mkdir function is not called... Of course, within the shell I can use the mkdir command manually and it works. Also the folder rights have been put to 777, no way !

    Any advice ?? I don't know anymore if this is related to conquest or to the linux OS....

  • Hi,

    This works for me (example):

    # Export Converters
    ForwardAnnotationLevel = IMAGE
    ForwardAssociationCloseDelay = 5
    ForwardAssociationRefreshDelay = 3600
    ExportConverters = 1
    ExportModality0 = *
    # Create a jpeg image
    ExportConverter0 = /bin/mkdir -p /data/jpeg/"%V0010,0010"/%V0008,0020; /usr/bin/dcmj2pnm +oj +Wi 1 --scale-x-size 1024 %f /data/jpeg/"%V0010,0010"/%V0008,0020/"%V0008,103e"-"%V0020,0011"-"%V0020,0013".jpeg

    Please mind the semicolon in the statement.
    Export converters will be executed at random. A semicolon will force to execute commands one after each other.


  • I had the same problem...

    ome_chris gives an example suitable for LINUX/UNIX as the OP requested, but I have a PC running ConQuest.

    This is the solution that worked for me:

    ExportConverters = 4
    ExportConverter0 = forward to AEexample1
    ExportConverter1 = forward to AEexample2
    ExportConverter2 = forward to AEexample3
    ExportConverter3 = system mkdir "C:\CoreConnect\studies\%i"; copy %f to C:\CoreConnect\studies\%i

    mkdir all by itself did nothing (nor did /bin/mkdir obviously). Turning on debug didn't help at all as I'm guessing that the scripting isn't tied into the debug flag.

    Hope this helps someone save hours of frustration I had :(


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