Change UID conquest

  • Hi,

    is it possible to change the study uid with conquest? i've a patient, with same names, but different patient id's and different birthdates. but if i would like to send the new study from the modality to the conquest pacs the error log looks like that:

    [NUKPACS] ***Inconsistent PatientBir in DICOMStudies: PatientID = '24566' StudyInsta = '2.16.840.1.113662.5.4168494318.9814799.1', Old='19340815', New='19270207'
    [NUKPACS] ***Refused to enter inconsistent link PatientID into DICOMStudies: PatientID = '24566' StudyInsta = '2.16.840.1.113662.5.4168494318.9814799.1', Old='96608', Refused='24566'
    [NUKPACS] ***Error saving to SQL: 24566\2.16.840.1.113662.5.4168494318.9814799.
    [NUKPACS] ***Inconsistent PatientBir in DICOMStudies: PatientID = '24566' StudyInsta = '2.16.840.1.113662.5.4168494318.9814799.1', Old='19340815', New='19270207'
    [NUKPACS] ***Refused to enter inconsistent link PatientID into DICOMStudies: PatientID = '24566' StudyInsta = '2.16.840.1.113662.5.4168494318.9814799.1', Old='96608', Refused='24566'
    [NUKPACS] ***Error saving to SQL: 24566\2.16.840.1.113662.5.4168494318.9814799.

    24566 and 96608 are different patients. what could i do??

    kind regards,

  • Hi,

    I assume this error happens because the patient ID was changed without changing the study/series/sop instanceuids (see sticky 'why not to change the patientid').

    The safest fix for these images is the 'newuids' ImportConverter command. In 1.4.16 there is also a new converter that can catch images that generate these errors (RejectedImageConverter0).

    One option would be to write this is dicom.ini. It fixes and collects erroneous images that can then be manually reloaded (create folder rejectedimages first):

    RejectedImageConverter0 = newuids; save to c:\dicomserver\rejectedimages\%o.dcm

    In 1.4.16 you can also use: (this creates an automatic re-import, create folder incoming first then restart server)

    RejectedImageConverter0 = newuids; save to c:\dicomserver\data\incoming\%o.dcm

    Each rejected image would then get automatically a new study/series/sop while keeping the rest of the relations. It is possible to provide other processing these such as logging and or changing other DICOM tags. See around page 60 of the windows manual.


  • Hi,

    thank you very much. i made an entry in the ini file and it worked fine. After all i deleted the entry after transferring the pictures, because it seems that the sending is a bit slower than without.

    kind regards,

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