Log file rotation

  • Quote from robertvanommen

    The Dicomserver.exe gui program is doing the log rotation, so if ure only running the Dgate.exe as a service the logs will not get rotated/zipped etc.
    I think there are dgate commandline commands that u could try to schedule to do the rotating etc.

    Where is the option on the GUI that controls rotation? I've also tried dgate --help to look at all of the options available from command line but I'm not seeing it...

  • Quote from robertvanommen

    Ah yes i see.. my mistake.
    There are no dgate commandline options to do the log rotation. :(

    I'm also running conquest as a service but on the server i always have a user logged in with the dicomserver.exe gui running.

    U could try to make a scheduled task in windows or a cron job in linux to do the log rotation.

    I'm looking in to batch scripting. If I find a method that works well, I'll post it.

    On a side note, I noticed this field in dicom.ini:

    ZipTime = 05:

    In the manual:

    ZipTime. Time in hh:mm:ss (or part thereof) at which log files are zipped to reduce disk space
    (Windows only). Log files are zipped daily when the GUI is running. Set to e.g., ‘invalid’ to
    disable zipping. Default value: ’05:’. Conquest addition.

    05: means 5am. So one option is to update the time to a minute after your current time then launch the GUI so it'll zip the files for you. I have tried this and it works, but it's hardly a long term solution.

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