Posts by churnd

    Is there a way to get Conquest to automatically purge studies older than a certain date? I'm aware of the size option (date -ff size), but would rather purge anything older than 6 months. Size is not really the determining factor here.

    The latest crash:

    I edited the patient name and AE titles for security reasons, and clipped the series output. The main thing is it seems like the server crashed at 3AM this morning, and I'm almost 100% certain nobody would be sending anything at 3AM as it's a non-critical server.

    What debuglevel do I need to set in dicom.ini? 1? What about the IgnoreOutOfMemoryErrors option? Also, the KeepAlive option?

    Quote from robertvanommen

    Ah yes i see.. my mistake.
    There are no dgate commandline options to do the log rotation. :(

    I'm also running conquest as a service but on the server i always have a user logged in with the dicomserver.exe gui running.

    U could try to make a scheduled task in windows or a cron job in linux to do the log rotation.

    I'm looking in to batch scripting. If I find a method that works well, I'll post it.

    On a side note, I noticed this field in dicom.ini:

    ZipTime = 05:

    In the manual:

    ZipTime. Time in hh:mm:ss (or part thereof) at which log files are zipped to reduce disk space
    (Windows only). Log files are zipped daily when the GUI is running. Set to e.g., ‘invalid’ to
    disable zipping. Default value: ’05:’. Conquest addition.

    05: means 5am. So one option is to update the time to a minute after your current time then launch the GUI so it'll zip the files for you. I have tried this and it works, but it's hardly a long term solution.

    Quote from robertvanommen

    The Dicomserver.exe gui program is doing the log rotation, so if ure only running the Dgate.exe as a service the logs will not get rotated/zipped etc.
    I think there are dgate commandline commands that u could try to schedule to do the rotating etc.

    Where is the option on the GUI that controls rotation? I've also tried dgate --help to look at all of the options available from command line but I'm not seeing it...

    I notice that when running ConQuest as a Windows Service, the log files don't get rotated & just keep growing. Is there any way to do this rotation?

    I have ConQuest 1.4.15 running on Windows 2003 Server with a WAMP mysql backend. For a while, it ran bulletproof. Lately it has been crashing with the following in PacsTrouble.log:

    20101025 05:46:59 *** multiplex: connection terminated
    20101025 05:47:04 ***Bufferspace: out of memory allocating 1411395292 bytes
    20101025 05:47:04 ***A fatal error occurred (out of memory) - closing server

    The only thing I changed on the server recently was I turned on the Windows firewall, but I opened the TCP port that dgate uses (104). Could that be causing the crash? Should I be opening more ports? If that's not it, what else could it be?

    Quote from joetraff

    Superb post.
    Thanks for sharing.
    It is really helpful.

    Thanks, but the script doesn't work. Was hoping to get some insight as to why not.

    OK actually the above script didn't work at all. I'm attaching one I've developed further, and it still doesn't work:

    #!/bin/sh## Startup script for Conquest## chkconfig: 345 85 15 - start or stop process definition within the boot process# description: Conquest DICOM Server# processname: conquest# pidfile: /var/run/ Source function library. This creates the operating environment for the process to be started. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functionsCONQ_DIR=/usr/local/conquestcase "$1" in start) echo -n "Starting Conquest DICOM server: " cd $CONQ_DIR && daemon --user mruser ./dgate -v - Starts only one process of a given name. echo touch /var/lock/subsys/conquest ;; stop) echo -n "Shutting down Conquest DICOM server: " killproc conquest echo rm -f /var/lock/subsys/conquest rm -f /var/run/ - Only if process generates this file ;; status) status conquest ;; restart) $0 stop $0 start ;; reload) echo -n "Reloading process-name: " killproc conquest -HUP echo ;; *) echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|reload|status}" exit 1esacexit 0

    What I'm getting is

    # ./conquest start
    Starting Conquest DICOM server: -bash: ./dgate: No such file or directory

    Can someone please tell me why this redhat init.d script isn't working? Or perhaps provide one that will?

    The linux manual comes with a startup script for debian based systems. I have conquest compiled on my redhat system, so I wanted a startup script init.d could use. This is what I came up with:

    However, it's very rough and I think it could be better, but not sure what to add. Any comments appreciated.

    I am using ConQuest 1.4.15 and a local MySQL 5.1.42 on a Windows 2003 server. I'm getting a similar problem. I have a RAID attached device that I have ConQuest set up to store data to. ConQuest starts up fine. I can connect to mysql as both root and the conquest user I set up which has full privileges to the conquest database. I can verify database installation, which works fine. However, if I click the "Browse Database" tab, I get the libmysql.dll error. Also, I tried pushing data to the server, and it seems like transferred OK, but I get a lot of MySQL database errors about writing to the database and the data directory is empty.

    Hmm... not sure what I did differently, but it seems to be working now. The only modification I'm making in the dicom.ini file is to the filenamesyntax setting.

    FWIW, after consulting with a Philips DICOM expert, I wound up using this:


    According to him, this will guarantee a unique structure. The %V0008,103e DICOM attribute is very useful because it prints the Series Description.

    Is there any way to use dgate.exe or dgateserv.exe or one of the executables that come with ConQuest via command line to run a DICOM server that just listens on a certain port and writes whatever it receives to a certain directory on the file system? Or, use the dicom.ini file?

    The reason I ask is because I'd like to consider running dgate.exe as a service by itself just so I'll have a DICOM listener running on the server. I don't need the full PACS functionality that ConQuest provides.


    That would be great.

    I'm currently trying to find the best combination of tags to sort with. I'm finding that the wrong combination can result in overwritten files, so that's not good.

    I'm currently using:


    I don't like the long file name %sopuid.dcm produces. I'm trying to make sure this is compliant for both regular and enhanced DICOM, but I am not a DICOM expert (yet). :) Any input?

    Yes, I got the email that said I was verified as registered on the forum. At the time, I was only signing up to post on the forum, not to download K-PACs so I did not look for a download link and the email has been deleted. Does the email contain the download link?

    Hi -

    Is the solution to this still to comment out the two SOP classes? I am in the same boat, and would like to be able to send enhanced from Philips 3T if possible.


    I'm unable to download K-PACs from the main website even though I'm obviously registered on this forum. The main site says I am not registered. Help?

    Thank you very much!!! What do the 0010,0020 numbers mean after the %values in the manual?

    Is there a way to get ConQuest to structure it's data directory such as:

    • Patient Name

      • Exam Date

        • Name of Study (ex DTI_medium_iso_709)

          • DICOM files

    The reason for this being, we want to share the data directory via SAMBA or Windows File Sharing as READ ONLY so people can just copy the DICOM data as needed as well as be able to do QUERY/RETRIEVE from a PACS Workstation... rather than rely on only QUERY/RETRIEVE.

    Or this would be second best... just something that gives a human-readable structure:

    • Patient Name

      • Exam Date

        • DICOM Files from Name of Study (ex DTI_medium_iso_709.dcm)

    Also, if ConQuest won't do it, do you know something that will?
