Adding new dicom tags to worklist

  • Can someone give me instructions, or direct me to instructions, on how to add dicom tags to the worklist? I have read multiple posts about it but nothing with concise instructions. I want to add Referring Physician (0008,0090).

  • Just add a line to dicom.sql somewhere in the middle of the worklist table:

    { 0x0008, 0x0090, "ReferringPhysician", 64, SQL_C_CHAR, DT_STR, "---" },

    And clear (reinit) the worklist database. At the --- entry the HL7 location can be set if any.


  • Will this syntax work the same with other tags, eg 0008,1030 for study description?
    Also the 0008,0090 has a subtag of 0008,0100 for an ID tag. Is there some way we can add the subtag also?

  • Hi Pete,

    you can add any tag this way, including subtags. However, the database is FLAT, so while subtags work they have to have an unique group/element pair. Sequences are generated by conquest in the query result as they came in in the original query.


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