Using dgate as DICOM server?

  • Is there any way to use dgate.exe or dgateserv.exe or one of the executables that come with ConQuest via command line to run a DICOM server that just listens on a certain port and writes whatever it receives to a certain directory on the file system? Or, use the dicom.ini file?

    The reason I ask is because I'd like to consider running dgate.exe as a service by itself just so I'll have a DICOM listener running on the server. I don't need the full PACS functionality that ConQuest provides.


  • Hi,

    sure. Dgate.exe is the server. Try running it with dgate -v. You can very likely run it with a NULL database to store directly store incoming images with requiring a database (remove the database items from dicom.ini). I would start from a freshly installed server and strip away files.


  • ok Marcel, let me know if I understand:

    i need the same use as descrived above. I compile each time a dicom.ini with the new folder in which export converter should put the incoming images.
    After compiling the dicom.ini i run c:\conquest\dgate.exe --read_ini

    It works. but I need the service, following your suggestions, i copy only these files in a folder c:\conquest

    my setup compiler, inno setup, failed to register dgate.exe as service and i don't need the conquest GUI. How can I do this task? If i put the istruction:
    run c:\conquest\dgate.exe -v before run c:\conquest\dgate.exe --read_ini
    what will happen? it will remain running in background? Do I have to stop the dgate service after retrieving images? how?


  • Hi,

    you need dgateserv.exe:

    E:\dicomserver>dgateserv /?
    DgateServ usage help
    DgateServ /install : install service
    DgateServ /install DomainName\Username Password : install service in account
    DgateServ /uninstall : uninstall service
    DgateServ /start : start service
    DgateServ /start arg1 arg2 etc : start with command line args
    DgateServ /stop : stop service
    DgateServ /? : this help

    Optional flags:
    /service NAME : servicename; use to install a service more times
    /machine NAME : remote machine on which service (will) run
    /exename NAME.EXE : local exe path (use with /install for remote machine)
    /process NAME args: overrule exe to run as slave (use with /start)

    E:\dicomserver>dgateserv /install
    Service Dgate service installed.

    E:\dicomserver>dgateserv /start
    Service Dgate service is not running, trying to start.
    Starting service.

    E:\dicomserver>dgateserv /start
    Service Dgate service is not stopped.

    E:\dicomserver>dgateserv /stop
    Service Dgate service is not stopped, trying to stop.

    Service Dgate service stopped.

    E:\dicomserver>dgateserv /uninstall
    Service Dgate service uninstalled.


  • Thanks Marcel!

    It seems to work great!
    Another Question I didn't ask You is about dicom loops.
    How they are converted using ExportConverters? It creates more jpgs automatically???

    Let me know....


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