Forwarding rule using physicians name?

  • Hallo,

    is there any possibility to forward data using physicians name (0008,0090)?

    If yes, how can I use following rule in Conquest:

    if physicians name is like = '%name%' ;forward to server1


  • Maybe this helps you out:

    ExportConverters = 1
    ExportConverter0 = ifequal "%V0008,0090[0,7]","John Doe"; forward to SERVER1

    If the first 8 letters of the physicians name is like "John Doe" conquest will forward to the AET SERVER1 (remember to set up this AET in Known Dicom Providers - and vice versa in the SERVER1-Conquest)


  • Hallo,

    thank you for the informations. It works great.

    Do you know if there is a possibility to delete the images on the local server after successful transfer to the destination?
    I found some “delete” option in the export converters, but I don’t know how to use it.

    ExportConverter0 = ifnotequal "%V0008,0090[0,7]","TESTxxxx"; stop;forward to TESTCON3;delete;
    [TESTCON1] ExportConverter0.2: forward D:\transfer\conquest_test\Data\973904240\ to TESTCON3
    [TESTCON1] ***Exportconverter0: Spawning 'delete' failed (argv=D:\transfer\conquest_test\Data\973904240\

    This server should just forward incoming images to another Conquest over VPN, and dont save them local.

    Thanks you.

  • Hi Thomas,

    You can try as follows:

    exportconverters = 1
    exportconverter0 = forward study to XXXXX; delete study

    I am not sure that it works! Both are delayed functions that only should start 10 minutes after the last image is recieved.


  • Hi,
    I will try you version.

    Now I use this and it works for my small test installation. I hope deleting over 1000 images with
    dgate -p5678 --deleteimagefile:%f
    will not make high CPU load on the Server.


    ExportConverters = 2
    ExportConverter0 = ifequal "%u","xxxx"; stop; ifnotequal "%V0008,0090[0,7]","yyyyyyyy"; stop; forward to xxxx
    ExportConverter1 = ifequal "%u","xxxx"; stop; ifnotequal "%V0008,0090[0,7]","yyyyyyyy"; stop; between "2","23";defer;dgate -p5678 --deleteimagefile:%f

  • Hi,

    that is a nice one! Had not thought of that. You can delete immediately this way if you put dgate --deleteimagefile on the same line as the forward. There may be other tricks as well, like: add "delete series". instead of dgate -- xxx. Since the "delete" command is delayed it would only work after the entire series was forwarded.


  • Hallo Marcel,

    I was trying with "delete study" and "delete series" bet the result was an crash of the server or error messages like this:
    [TESTCON1] ***Exportconverter0: Spawning 'delete study' failed (argv=D:\transfer\conquest_test\Data\M352121\

    Probably I need to set a parameter "delete study %o". Is %o a study parameter?

    but the working solution is:
    ExportConverter0 = ifnotequal "%V0008,0090[0,7]","yyyyyyyy"; stop; forward to yyyyy; delete image %f


  • Hi,

    I'm not sure how to do it and I'm very new with Conquest. I think there are 2 possibilities where you can start testig:

    1. set following Values in the ini file:
    ForwardCollectDelay =86400
    with this settings all delayed commands in all convertesr will run after 24 hours (3600s*24) and add this converter:
    ExportConverter0 = delete image %f

    2. in this case the files will be deletet after 23 o'clock.
    ExportConverter1 = between "2","23";defer;dgate -p5678 --deleteimagefile:%f
    (-p is the portnumber of your Conquest server)


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