cannot query Conquest 14.17 from dcm4chee

  • I have completely deployed dcm4chee and Weasis on a virtual machine. My client is running ConQuest 1.4.17 on a windows server.

    We're trying to provide a web interface facing the internet for them to view the images. We have been able to go into the ConQuest user interface and "push" records to dcm4chee but cannot get dcm4chee to query the Conquest server successfully.

    I'm able to perform a DICOM Echo successfully from within the dcm4chee web portal.

    DICOM Echo to dicom://CONQUESTSRV1@
    Open Association in 33 ms.
    Echo done in 12 ms!
    Total time for successfully echo CONQUESTSRV1: 46 ms!

    But when we query the Conquest server we get no results....

    Could anyone offer any insight as to what may need to be configured on the Conquest side if any?

    Many thanks


  • Hi,

    Conquest requires no config to be queried. Can you enable debug logging on the windows machine and see what happens there. At a high debug level the query is logged complete.


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