Cannot browse database from gui with Native MySQL driver

  • Hello,
    I'm trying to setup conquest on win XP with the native Mysql driver. Everything works but I'm not able to browse the database from the GUI. This is the error message (a pop up dialog box) I get

    "There was a problem loading libmysql.dll - mysql not functional"

    I'm using the same libmysql.dll that came with the installation file - hoping that it's the correct version.
    Can anyone kindly help to sort out this issue?


  • Actually, I'm running Conquest & MySql (part of my wamp installation) on the same PC itself. Conquest is able to connect to the server using the native driver, create tables etc.
    I tried various versions of MYSql installations & libmysql.dlls , but in vain!


  • Hi,

    I just tested version 1.4.14beta, with the libmysql that is is included. I just set it up and it works OK with mysql5.0. Do NOT change libmysql. Maybe try to reinstall with a fresh dicom.ini?


  • Quote from marcelvanherk

    Just heard about a bug when the mysql server is not local. Maybe this is the issue?

    Is that documented anywhere, or can you say anything more about it? Is it a fixed bug:-)? I've been living with the "There was a problem loading mysql.dll" message and a nonworking Browse Database GUI tab for quite some time (my server at is still v.1.4.11.) I have dgate.exe and the mass storage RAID on server A (Win XP) and the MySQL database on server B (Ubuntu 6.06), with the connection set up via ODBC. Everything works fine except browsing with the little Windows GUI.

    Is it correct that 1.4.11 would not pay any attention to a BrowseThroughDBF flag in dicom.ini?

    None of this is a huge issue for me since I'm about to build a replacement system using v.1.4.13, but I'm very curious about it! I'm hoping either that the bug has been fixed or that BrowseThroughDBF = 1 will take care of it on the new system, because I would really like to keep MySQL on a separate server.

    Thanks very much,

  • I am using ConQuest 1.4.15 and a local MySQL 5.1.42 on a Windows 2003 server. I'm getting a similar problem. I have a RAID attached device that I have ConQuest set up to store data to. ConQuest starts up fine. I can connect to mysql as both root and the conquest user I set up which has full privileges to the conquest database. I can verify database installation, which works fine. However, if I click the "Browse Database" tab, I get the libmysql.dll error. Also, I tried pushing data to the server, and it seems like transferred OK, but I get a lot of MySQL database errors about writing to the database and the data directory is empty.

    Hmm... not sure what I did differently, but it seems to be working now. The only modification I'm making in the dicom.ini file is to the filenamesyntax setting.

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