new to Conquest, v2 vs dcm, one directory vs subs

  • Hi,

    I used Conquest Dicom last week for first time. It works, got images transferred from GE MRI to the server. Two questions.

    1. I had checked save as dicom, but all the files are saved with extension as .v2. What did I do wrong. I just want to save raw dicom format files.

    2. the files all seem to be stored in one folder, although the database has them sorted into the 5 different scans we took that day. Is there a way to make the folder structure reflect the subject1/series1 /series2 /series3 structure? Because as they are right now I am not sure how to divide them up into the series for conversion to NIFTI--all 12,000+ files are in one folder. Is there a setting I need to tweak to get this organized?



  • Check the dicom.ini file. Look for the FileNameSyntax = x line. We use eFilm and are used to using 9 for our value. I have included the section from the manual that discusses FileNameSyntax below:

    FileNameSyntax Determines name of stored files, default 3. May be changed at any time
    depending on the requirements of an application that wants to read the files directly. Only
    affects newly stored images. Modes higher than 3 accept IODs without image or series number
    and are therefore suited for DICOM-RT. Options 3 and 4 force use of the cleaned PatientID as
    patient directory name, making sure that only a single directory is made for each unique patient
    ID. Option 5 uses the patient name as directory name. Options 6 to 9 provide several frequently
    used DICOM directory structures. From version 1.3.11, time is printed unsigned and the
    counter portion of the filename is extended from 2 to 4 digits. Modes 4, 8 and 9 store images in
    (the slower to read) standard chapter-10 DICOM format. DICOM-Works users might like mode
    8 or 9 best. See also note below. Conquest addition.

    0 (original):
    filename = ID[8]_Name[8]\Series#_Image#_Time.v2
    1 (safer version of original):
    filename = ID[8]_Name[8]\Series#_Image#_TimeCounter.v2
    2 (include series UID in filename to ensure names sort by series):
    filename = ID[8]_Name[8]\Seriesuid_Series#_Image#_TimeCounter.v2
    3 (Uses patient ID as directory name and sets DICOM-RT required flags):
    filename = ID[16]\Seriesuid_Series#_Image#_TimeCounter.v2
    4 (same as 3, but data is stored in chapter 10 format):
    filename = ID[16]\Seriesuid_Series#_Image#_TimeCounter.dcm
    5 (sets DICOM-RT required flags, uses untruncated patient name as directory):
    filename = Name\Seriesuid_Series#_Image#_TimeCounter.v2
    6 (standard DICOM directory structure starting at patient root):
    filename = ID[32]\Studyuid\Seriesuid\Imageuid.v2
    7 (standard DICOM directory structure starting at study root):
    filename = Studyuid\Seriesuid\Imageuid.v2
    8 (standard patient root DICOM directory structure in chapter 10 format):
    filename = ID[32]\Studyuid\Seriesuid\Imageuid.dcm
    9 (standard study root DICOM directory structure in chapter 10 format):
    filename = Studyuid\Seriesuid\Imageuid.dcm
    10(all files in one directory)
    filename = Images\Imageuid.dcm
    11(patient name as directory, UIDS as subdirectories)
    filename = Name\StudyUID\SeriesUID\Imageuid.dcm
    12(patient name_id as directory, modality_studyid\series\sop.dcm)
    filename = Name_ID\Modality_StudyID\ SeriesID\Imageuid.dcm

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