[Solved]Not receiving from AGFA NX

  • Hi to all.
    I don't receive any images from my NX workstation.

    I have configured it as for ID-VIEW (which receives everything perfectly):
    Right AE title
    right IP
    port 5678
    SOPClassUID: CR for presentation
    OUtputType: 8bit PVAL
    Trnasfer Syntax: Standard(eg: Explicit little endian)
    Photometric interpretation: MONOCHROME2

    The "test connexion" is successful.

    If i send manually the images from id-view, i have no problem, but i would like NX to directly send its images to CONQUEST.

    I haven't declared my NX in acrnema.map. Is it necessary?
    I do not understand its role, can someone tell me? Because ID-View isn't configured as well and it works!

    Thanks if anyone can help...

  • Very strange,
    i succeeded in sending an image manually by clicking on a send button (although it was really slow) in NX but the workstation still doesn't seem to send the images by itself.

    Does it mean something to anybody?

  • I'm worried it still doesn't work...
    May the bit value have an influence?
    I'm using 8bit PVAL for now
    Shall i try something else? ie 8bit OD or a higher number of bit?

    Anyone's experience?

  • Hi, i'm keeping on searching for my problem.
    I have discovered a new SOP in my headers:
    >0008,1150 24 UI ReferencedSOPClassUI "1.2.840.10008."

    It is the only field to have a > in front of the line when i display the header with the conquest linux interface.
    Do you know if it is necessary to declare this sop in dgatesop.lst?

    I'm really lost while sending files works manually from nx but not automatically when archiving studies in NX (no message is displayed by dgate -v
    whil sending manually i receive this:

  • Hi,

    The manual sending seems OK, except that no Patient ID is filled in. AGFA may need this to auto send? If there is no dgate message there is no communication at all - so I think it must be an AGFA config problem.


  • You're right.
    This situation was too incredible and it seems the probleme is due to a misconfiguration in agfa NX...
    When archiving, it can only send images to 3 devices...
    Tomorrow, i'll try to put Conquest in these 3...

    Sorry for disturbing....

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