1.4.16 on Debian

  • Hey Conquest User in the world.
    I did install 1.4.16 on my debian server with mysql and apache2.
    Everything is running smooth. I import .dcm files with success.
    The only thing is if i browse the studies/series in an external browser i can only switch view(WADO) . No change if i write in dicom.ini noviewer or serversideviewer. Always only view(WADO)
    If i click on view(WADO) I simply get a very white picture without any tool (e.g. Zoom or whatever)

    As i understood the K-Pacs viewer has been built in. So i did not really realize how to activate it.
    A helpfull answer would be really great!!!!!

    Best from Frankie

  • Hi,

    kpacs viewer is an OCX that runs in few browser. You select the viewer (the OCX uses seriesviewer) in cgi/bin/dicom.ini:


  • Hi Marcel,
    thanks for your answer.
    I changed it to seriesviewer, restarted the server. but no change at all.
    I am using IE9 as browser.
    Also the hyperlink in series still mentions view(WADO).
    Do you have an idea what i did wrong?
    Thanks for a further reply

  • Hi,

    you are using the wrong link from the main page. Only the list local patient and list local studies use the viewer. The 'list patients on server link uses WADO to access data that may be residing on another archive.


  • This works for me too if I'm using the Conquest web server running on the same server as Conquest DICOM. Otherwise, I get the following:

    "Error reading dView2.Cursor3D: Property does not exist"



  • hi, I have the same error (Error reading dView2.Cursor3D: Property does not exist) on debian 7, my config is:

    ...WebServerFor = = 4006...WebScriptAddress =[webdefaults]size = 560dsize = 0compress = n4iconsize = 48graphic = gifviewer = seriesviewer

    addres from IE9:


    source code:

    ActiveFormProj1.ocx is registered in windows.
    I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, thanks for any advice.

  • Hi,

    all settings look allright to me. I have not paid much attention to the OCX recently - ActiveX is badly supported anyway. Can you try to open the same case from a different machine, e.g., running XP? There may be an incompatibility in a newer version of windows. I have seen strange issues with the GUI as well on some but not all windows 7 machines.


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