Posts by lodda815

    Hello People,
    i tried to open a sample .dcm file in the data Directory of the DWV files on my IIS-Server. The sample file came with DVW-Package. I tried it in the way:
    but i received an error.
    Can please anybody tell me how to open a file with the DWV Viewer ???
    Thank you very very much for an answer!!!


    I have dcm images (2256x2878)
    They are really toooo big.
    Is there any chance to resize this images to 800x600 (or other size) via importing into the conquest server??

    If there is no chance to do that you have any hint which software i can use for resizing this images.

    Please answer!!

    Very best regards from Lodda

    it might be a very simple thing but i stuck:
    I am using the aiviewer with conquest.
    If i compress incoming images to k4 or k2 I can see the images via the aiviewer without any problems.
    But if i use for incoming images the k1 compression, the aiviewer shows only black screen.
    What do i need to do, to see this images also?

    Can anybody give me a helping hint??

    All the best from Frankie

    Hello Users,
    I've tried my very best but i fail:
    I did not get the way how to convert .dcm files into jpeg nor the way how to use the k4 parameter in dicom.ini file. I am working with aiviewer and give the parameter

    I want conquest to reduce the size of the image before serving it to the viewer. I think its possible but i do not know how.
    I tried to change the compress=un in imgURL0 but totally no change. The delivered images are still 20MB and more.
    Maybe anybody can help me?

    All the best from Frankie

    Hi Marcel,
    thanks for your answer.
    I changed it to seriesviewer, restarted the server. but no change at all.
    I am using IE9 as browser.
    Also the hyperlink in series still mentions view(WADO).
    Do you have an idea what i did wrong?
    Thanks for a further reply

    Hey Conquest User in the world.
    I did install 1.4.16 on my debian server with mysql and apache2.
    Everything is running smooth. I import .dcm files with success.
    The only thing is if i browse the studies/series in an external browser i can only switch view(WADO) . No change if i write in dicom.ini noviewer or serversideviewer. Always only view(WADO)
    If i click on view(WADO) I simply get a very white picture without any tool (e.g. Zoom or whatever)

    As i understood the K-Pacs viewer has been built in. So i did not really realize how to activate it.
    A helpfull answer would be really great!!!!!

    Best from Frankie

    hey marcel,
    thanks for your answer. UUUHH i am not as good as it would be neccessary to dig into the code.
    But to change the viewer would be an option.
    What do you think which other ONLINE-Viewer could i use to have this picture resized and displayed?

    Best regards :D

    Hey All, hopefully i can find an answer here:
    I have an image with the following dicom tags:
    Manufacturer's Model Name : MEDIGRAF
    Samples Per Pixel : 1
    Columns x Rows : 2238 x 3376
    Bits Allocated : 16
    Bits Stored : 16
    High bit :
    Patient Group Length : 94
    Series Number : 1
    Image Number : 1
    Image Type
    Sensitivity : 400.
    Photometric Interpretation : MONOCHROME1
    Pixel Spacing : 0.08600 0.08600

    I can import it into ConQuest (compress=un) but no chance for displaying it in aiViewer101. Maybe anybody can provide me the correct dgate parameter's to get this image displayed.

    An answer would be GREAT !!

    Hi marcel,
    thank you for your fast answer.
    I solved the problem. I took your dicomviewer101 and changed in the sourcefile the line:
    boolean inv = false; into true. Now its working perfectly.
    All the best from
    Lodda :D

    Hello to ALL, I am totally new using ConQuest so maybe it is a silly question.
    From an other DICOM server I import the .dcm pictures with the button "Regen single device".
    It works great an i can "Browse database" an see all the information.
    Only one small point: All the pictures are reversed what means the background is white and the rest is black.
    Is there a way to invert the pictures into background black and the rest white??

    Hopefully my problem is understandable.
    Thanks very much in advance for a helping answer.


    I am using ConQuest 1.4.15 alpha with the aiviewer