Multiple Conquest installations

  • Hello Marcel, I was wondering if it was possible to install and run multiple Conquest servers on the same machine. If so, are there any precautions. Then taking advantage of the autorouting rules on each one.

  • Actually...nevermind the "if" it can be done It tried it ...
    ----I have successfully installed 6 Conquest servers in different folders with different AE titles and ports on one device. Will we I run into any pitfalls doing this or if it is even neccessary. This is the reason why I have asked.

    1. I have no money to experiment with Dicom management gateway software that will handle multiple AE titles on one device with multiple autorouting rules. If anyone has a better more reliable free way to do the following...please let me know. Maybe conquest actually supports this with the calling AE rule or something...

    2. The situation.....I have one vpn connection on one device that I use to send images to multiple sites. This is called the "telerad computer" Now we are using Kpacs/conquest on that one device to query and recieve from our PACS and the move to the designated device. And it works really well if you can get back to the computer to do it.

    3. However ....We also use Centricity as a PACS. By setting up multiple ae titles on multiples conquest servers on the telerad computer...I can set up autoroute rules so that: Every single tech on any Centricity worstation on the SAN can dicom send to the designates sites all over the state though their perspective server...only three clicks.
    I set up all of these different Conquest servers as destinations in Centricity. It has workd flawlessly for the whole day today.

    Can I use one Conquest application with multiple rules to somehow do this???

  • Think so,

    Conquest does not filter on calling or called AE: it will accept anything. The exportconverters can be configured to filter on calling and or called AE. So you should be able to set it up. You do not even need multiple conquest servers.


  • Hello Marcel,
    For some reason, I when forwarding, i am getting export failures on images that have come from a 3d (namely Reformatted images)workstation. If I export to anything that is not GE, I get an error within GE software that they are not valid dicom images. Must be some proprietory tags that are screwing it up. Anyway, Conquest must put them in a que and keeps retrying them. This seems to lock up anyother forwarding. Can i limit the retries it attempts.

  • How can I eliminate the retry queue on export? Or at least have it try a couple times, then fail. So the other images and forwards can start..

    A couple places I am sending images to, is not capable of recieving some of our images apparently. EX. Refomats and VR's.

  • Hi,

    retries should not happen when the images are not accepted. So apparently the images are accepted and then fail to process giving an error that conquest thinks is retryable. There is currently no way to stop the retries, except deleting the retry file. The GUI asks to do this when the server app is restarted. Could you maybe give me an excerpt of a full debug log of the retrying transmission? Then I can try to fix the error in later versions.


  • I have a question that I actually have to figure out very very quickly...

    We're doing an upgrade to a DICOM server that has about 9 DICOM AE Titles and 9 associated ports to go with them. I do have a conquest server that has a 2nd NIC, so I can shut down the NIC on the server being upgrade and use it's IP address on my conquest server. But, then I have to run all 9 instances on my conquest server so I can capture all those DICOM images being sent to me during the upgrade.

    So I'd have mutliple AE Titles and multiple ports:

    AETITLE1 Port 9000
    AETITLE2 Port 9001
    AETITLE3 Port 9002
    AETITLE4 Port 9003
    AETITLE5 Port 9004
    AETITLE6 Port 9005
    AETITLE7 Port 9006
    AETITLE8 Port 9007
    AETITLE9 Port 9008

    So to do this, do I install 9 more directories and instances of CONQUEST, or is there a way to do this with one instance, just putting 9 different ports and AE titles in the dicom.ini file?


  • Hi Tim,

    if you use CTRL-ALT right click on "Install server as NT service", it will ask to install as four services with subsequent ports. I have not used this feature in a long time, but if it works, this may allow you to just have to install 3 servers (ports1-4, 5-8, and port 9). This (probably) only works with SQL server and definitively not with dbaseIII. The mechanism is that dgate.exe is run several time with different ports using the -p parameter.

    Otherwise you have to install 9 times. Have not tried this, but the server supports installing up to 40 times. Leave earlier installed servers running: these will be detected by the next installed server. If you are smart, you can share data storage between servers. The database can be shared if its SQL server, not shared if its dbaseIII, and unknown for other other databases.


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