Series # when use import feature

  • I noticed that when I am attaching the image to the study using import "SC" - one series - it will assign series #91. Is it possible to change this? We have a CR with images having series #1000 and up and radiologists want to have attached images to appear after the CR. I believe the k-pacs viewer sort images based on series and that is why attached images appear before the actual CRs. Our CR machine support people do not know how to change the series from 1000 to 1 so no help from there.
    Thank you.

  • There are two small problems with suggested method. First - it will take extra time, second - you are modifying headers of original CR's which is considering the human nature (we all do make mistakes from time to time) is not a safe solution. Imagine if by accident Patient ID will be changed instead of series. It would be nice to have such option in .ini file but I know it will require some extra programming.

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