• Any chance for a Manual only download? Maybe updated with more ... robust examples for those that have little experience changing configurations?

    Ie How to's for:

    More explanatory setting up forward/router rules. What each line does and why to use it.

    Backup: How to use dgate for full / progressive backups?

    Complete discusion of compression. What the availble options are, why/when to use (or NOT) Pros and Cons of each type.

    Export of Patient data (selectable) fields of Name, MRN, Date of Birth, or whatever.

    Just to start. I have seen alot of good tips on here so far and I really think that having a... 'addendum"?? to the manual with these, organized with nice user friendly examples to get things done, would be very helpful.

    I won't go into the linux stuff.. for now......


    Thanks to Marcel et al for all their hard work. You guys should get a Nobel prize..


  • Hi,

    we might use some of the posts for appendices to the manual in the future. In any case, check out the "Stickies" (there is one about compression) and the existing appendices in the manual (there is one for forwarding). Backup is not covered, although there is a thread about archiving.

    Problem is there are so many options. Would more examples help?

    Any input for the manual is always appreciated. We already recieved a text about setting up conquest with WAMP. This will certainly go in a future release.



  • I am not having much luck...

    I want to set conquest to receive all incoming images from all modalities, grab all priors by MRN OR Name and forward all new/priors to the Reading AE. The Rad wants ALL priors on Every patient scanned loaded to his reading station.

    I am just soooo confused.. :-0

    Also, one main point I'd like you to consider for the manual is to make it clear at the beginning of the installation settings for "FileNameSyntax" and its consequences. I had quite a few (hundreds of ) gigabytes stored as v2 before I got that far in the manual and switched over to "8".

    Now I am contemplating the 'best' way to redo all of the earlier studies.

    Copy *.v2 to an external drive->delete *.v2 from DB, Drag/drop *.v2 back to DB to be saved as ID\*\**.dcm (is rebuild necessary?)

    I can't figure out how I would select just the V2 files from within the Conquest UI to send to another server to re-import.


    (PS soooner rather than later, I think I will have to go about moving this DB from a Windows Box to Linux. Vista is scaring me)

  • Hi,

    your forwarding rule is not supported. Only recieved images are forwarded, not priors. Maybe something for the future.

    Move the v2 files out of the directory, regen ;->>> and drag and drop the .v2 files into the server. They get converted and renamed as they are stores. Or copy the .v2 files, delete relevant studies and drag and drop them in again.


  • Hi!
    The manual itsself is quite long with 147 pages.
    What do you think of making two different pdf files. One for the DICOM conformance statement and the appendix 1 with all changes and new features, and the other file with "just" the users guide / manual and the appendix 2.
    I think that would make it easier to navigate within the users guide.
    The way it i now there is a lot of information that many users do not need, or at least confuses them in the beginning.

  • Or...

    1. Introduction (with link to these forums)
    1a. Generic Installation.
    1b. Discussion of options in dicom.ini and ramifications for use.
    2b. Discussion of Database programs available:Pros and Cons.

    2. Windows Install
    2a. Windows Specific Appendices

    3. Linux Install
    3a. Linux Appendices

    4. Database Appendices (ie Known installation/optimization guides)
    4a. Dbase
    4b. MySQL
    4c. SQL
    4d. PostGres

    5. Archiving/Backups

    6. Web Enabling
    6a. Apache
    6b. PHP (CGI?)

    7. Router Configuration
    7a. Discussion
    7b. Examples with explanation

    8. Gateway
    8a. Discussion
    8b. Examples with explanation

    User Contributions

    FOSS Attributions

    (good place to split PDF here. May cut down on bandwith a bit. Is it necessary to download DICOM Conformance and whole change list every time?)

    Dicom Conformance

    File List

    Change History

    On another note.. Would a seperate or seperable Command Line guide to DGATE be useful?

    You guys have done a GREAT job with this software. I would like to help in anyway I can. I am not a programmer, but I can help with proof-reading, noob-proof testing, stress testing, (haven't found a piece of software I couldn't 'break' if I set my mind to it yet :-P) Seriously, anything I can do to help, let me know and I'll tell you if I think I am able.


  • :-)

    Any comments from you two or any users on the Forum regarding the outline as above? I'll start working on this a bit this weekend.

    Would you or Marcel provide a sticky thread for users to post config snippets with explanations of what they do and why?

    Linux Sticky thread.

    Database Sticky.

    Thanks. I look forward to this.

  • I agree with Marcel, that part of the manual should be rewriten by the users, cause they know the difficulties when installing a system for the first time and how to go along with that stuff with a well documented manual, that couls by understood not only by IT professionals.
    I ve ready the installation manual for mysql with wampp, what I would recommed when using apache and php as well.
    I can make as well a short installtation manual with screenshots for MsSQl2000.
    Useful would a guide for the web-gate installatiion with screenshots.

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