Simple WEB-DICOM-Viewer for Conquest

  • Hi All,

    First of all - thank to all develeopers of CONQUEST !!!

    We make simple WEB-DICOM-Viewer for Conquest used EZDICOM ActiveX-component ( and ASP (IIS).
    This is Review Station for physicians in our hospital.

    1. Search by Patient ID
    2. Search by Patient Name (or part of name)
    3. Opening only required study by Accession Number (like WADO)

    1. Download by series
    2. two-window for compare images
    3. Custom color look up tables (see images in grayscale or other schemes like 'hot iron')
    4. Precise contrast control
    5. Pan/Zoom (50-100-150-200%)
    6. Measure
    7. Calibrate
    8. Cineloop (5 speed)
    9. DICOM-Header dump
    10. Tumbinal view for navigation
    11. Save images as BMPs, Support uncompressed, compressed and color DICOM images (RLE, palette, RGB, YBR, lossy JPeG, lossless JPeG)

    Security, access control are not implemented. We use it only in intranet.
    I can upload asp-files and modificated activex-component.
    I will be glad if this thing be useful... :)

  • Hi Eduard,

    how do you get the images into the viewer, through http in dicom format?
    Would be interested to see the code: The k-pacs viewer in conquest also derives from ezdicom.


  • Hi Eduard,

    looks really promising, thats exactly what we are looking for our referring physicians.
    can you please give us further details how you ve hooked it in conquest?

  • Hi,

    I could help by posting files on my server (US/Canada). The download page in Russia now tells me that:
    Download traffic from Russia is less than from other contries, please click here to visit our sponsors and download.... It did not work and was trying to run some ActiveX. Please send me email with files zipped into archive and I will post the link for download in the forum. My email: compumagus at hotmail com. Thank you, Alex.

  • Hi Eduard

    I downloaded the package but unfortunately I ve some probs to get it running cause I am not very used to the Internet Information server, cause I ve only worked with the apache webserver.

    So there are remaining some questions, I hope you can give me some help

    - Make WEBGATE folder as a Home folder (see IIS properties)
    how do you do this exectly? I copied the webgate folder to wwwroot and configured the config before.

    1. Input WEB-server adress to granted server list (because AtiveX-components are not subscripted)
    How do I ve do do this exactly?
    And how do I ve to call the website than?

  • I ve now access to the search mask of webgate but no access to the database. I cofiguered the config for my personal access like below. Are there any mistaks in that?
    No password
    AE-Title pacsssenic
    driver? pacs or Mysql?
    server pacs
    database conquest

    DICOMDB="uid=pacssenic; pwd=""; driver=pacs; server=pacs;database=conquest"

  • I changed the uid to conquest and driver={SQL Server}; server=(local)but the same prob
    whats exactly the UID here? the name of the database or the ae-tiltle of the pacsserver?

    Here the answer when trying to search a patient by name
    ADODB.Connection (0x800A0BB9)
    Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.
    /WEBATE/Default.asp, line 22

    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)

    GET /WEBATE/Default.asp

    I think the prob isthat the server can t be reached and that my entries are wrong here..

  • Short help about "DICOMDB"
    DICOMDB is a string variable that describe how WEB-server connecting to CONQUEST database.

    DICOMDB="uid=conquest; pwd=111; driver={SQL Server}; server=(local);database=conquest"

    uid - user name (must be registred on database sever, MS SQL Server or MySQL for example )
    pwd - password for this user
    driver - ODBC-driver. Used to connecting specified database-engine
    server - hostname of database-server (local)- if on the same host
    database - name of CONQUEST server

    For mdb-file database (MS Access) (not tested)
    DICOMDB="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=F:\CONQ12\data\dbase\conquestpacs_s.mdb"

  • Hi Eduard,

    thanks for your reply but it didn t resolve my prob.

    so I post my entry here to check it if there is anything wrong, I didn t use the
    odbc connector but the nativ mysql driver


    # Host, database, username and password for MySql database
    SQLHost = localhost
    SQLServer = conquest
    Username = root
    Password =
    MySql = 1
    DoubleBackSlashToDB = 1

    config of webgate
    DICOMDB="uid=root; pwd=""; driver=conquest; server=localhost;database=conquest"
    with this entries I can t start the web viewer

  • Hi Eduard and Bushranger,

    I played with the WebGate a bit too. Basically it bypasses the dicom server completely - it runs even when the server is down. The ASP pages connect to a database through standard windows calls. I am sure that EXCLUDES using the built-in dbaseIII driver for WebGate. I got it to run by installing an microsoft SQL server, and configuring a conquest dicom server to use that - all default settings except using filenamesyntax of 4 or 9 (.dcm extension).

    The DICOM images are served to the client by setting a virtual directory to the data directory of conquest (I gave anonymous users read and browse rights - not very safe). Start - settings - control panel - admin - IIS - local computer - web sites - default web site - new virtual directory; Alias img - directory c:\dicomserver\data - rights read/runscripts/browse.

    EZDicom must have been extended to be able to retrieve images over a http protocol. This is not hard to do, I managed to get the K-PACS viewer to do that too. I used some stuff from

    So far so good. I managed to allow localhost to run the OCX's and then - nothing. No images appeared, whatever I tried. I verified generation of the URL's of the dicom images by adding <%Response.write AXParam%> to series.asp and its shows lots of stuff like:

    prostaat 3.0 B40f|

    Eduard can you help?

    In any case, I would like to add in the future a similar option to the built-in CGI web server, using an OCX derived from K-PACS. This would allow any database driver to be used since the server would provide all information to the CGI program.


  • P.S.
    Where exactky do I get the name of the driver and the name of the sqlserver?
    As I mentioned I use mysql with the nativdriver. S what is the name of the driver?
    I guess the name ofthe server I detemine with the mysql conrol center. Or is localserver the same in this case?
    with your entries you kindly postet I coudn t contact the database.

  • Hi,

    I guess you need to create an ODBC access to mysql with myodbc, that will be the only thing that microsoft supports. As webgate bypasses the server you can (and must in this case) use different access methods for the server and webgate.


  • I ll try it with MsSql as a database.
    But I guess it would be very helpful to create a noob manual for that with screenshots if anybody here is the first to get it running apart from Eduard.
    Seems a little bit tricky.

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