1. Rigth-click on the 'Export' button
2. select 'security' in the popup menu
here you can choose 'encryption' or/and 'anonymization'
type in a password in case you chose encryption. Click on 'Accept' to save settings
3. Rigth-click again on 'Export' and select 'compression'
You can choose between 4 compression levels: uncompressed (not recommended for e-mailing), light compression (lossless, CR about 2.5:1), medium compression (lossy, CR about 4:1) and strong (lossy, CR about 6:1). Click 'Accept' to save settings.
4. Rigth-click again on 'Export' and select 'manage e-mail addresses'.
Type in all the receipients addresses and click on 'Accept'
5. Finally select the study you want to send in the study grid and left-click on 'Export'. K-PACS will compress, encrypt and anonymize in dependence on your settings. In the e-mail dialog select your receipients name, type in concern and check if settings are correct. Sorry for the german words in the english version, i simply forgott to localize them. I promisse to fix it as soon as possible. For now: ja = yes, nein = no, leicht=light, mittel=medium, hoch(stark)=strong.
6. Click on 'Accept' to call your standard e-mail program (probably outlook or outlook express). It will show you the ready-to-send email. Check if everything is correct and click on 'send'. That's it.
Btw.: you don't have to select security, compression or the e-mail manager every time you send an email. Just do it once and change it if you wish a different method.
For teleradiology testing: if your partner uses k-pacs as well, he simply needs to import the received e-mail attachments (see 'K-PACS how to's: Import). K-PACS will automatically uncompress and (after entering the right password) decode all images. If your partner does not use K-PACS, you should not encode your images with K-PACS, because the encoding method is proprietory and no other program will be able to decode them. In this case you should use a different encoding method like PGP.