Structured Report (SR) objects

  • Hey Marcel,

    Tried again:

    root@ubuntu:/data/0001# /opt/dgate --uncompress,outfile
    Server command sent using DGATE -- option

    Not sure what else to try. My goal here is to convert close to 900,000. Is there any type of "batch conversion" I can run using the --uncompress option or is there an easier way?

    Many thanks!!!


  • Hi,

    you miss the : between uncompress and the first filename. It is in the manual.

    dgate --uncompress:file_in,file_out

    The best wat to batch it to load the data into a conquest server (put the files in the MAG storage and regenerate) and move all data to itself choosing a filenamesyntax with .dcm extension.


  • Bonjour

    Quote from marcelvanherk

    you can fix this by adding the reported sequence to dgate.dic; a more general solution is scheduled for the next release.

    I have never been able to solve this problem. Modifying dicom.dic changes nothing.
    I wanted to test with dicomserver1417d but export does not work.

    ExportConverters = 1ExportModality0 = SRExportConverter0 = D:\dicomserver1417d\dsr2xml.exe %f D:\dicomserver1417d\structuredreport\%b.xml

    [CONQUESTSRV1] Started 1 export queue thread(s)


    Alain Godard Châtellerault France. Je parle très mal anglais et je ne suis pas informaticien. Soyez indulgent :)

  • yes is't
    dicom.ini like

    ImportExportDragAnDrop = 1
    ExportConverters = 1
    ExportModality0 = SR
    ExportConverter0 = D:\dicomserver1417d\dsr2xml.exe %f D:\dicomserver1417d\structuredreport\%b.xml....

    Alain Godard Châtellerault France. Je parle très mal anglais et je ne suis pas informaticien. Soyez indulgent :)

  • Merci de votre réponse rapide.

    Alain Godard Châtellerault France. Je parle très mal anglais et je ne suis pas informaticien. Soyez indulgent :)

  • Alain Godard Châtellerault France. Je parle très mal anglais et je ne suis pas informaticien. Soyez indulgent :)

  • Hi

    Can you post dicom.ini again. I have the feeling the settings were lost - the GUI keeps copy in memory so this happens if you change dicom.ini while the server is running.

    P.S. Take out patient names if you post a log...


  • I removed export converter, restart the server, the draganddrop work. I handed export converter , rebooted the server but it still does not work ...

    Alain Godard Châtellerault France. Je parle très mal anglais et je ne suis pas informaticien. Soyez indulgent :)

  • Sorry, I did not see the previous post . Oops, the patient name ....
    Here the requested file :

    Alain Godard Châtellerault France. Je parle très mal anglais et je ne suis pas informaticien. Soyez indulgent :)

  • I do not understand, I see only a single line with ImportExportDragAnDrop ... It would take a second? where?

    Alain Godard Châtellerault France. Je parle très mal anglais et je ne suis pas informaticien. Soyez indulgent :)

  • Export now works correctly.
    But, I have always, on some files, a blank export. The xml file exists but is empty (0KB).
    With command line :
    [Blocked Image:]

    D:\dicomserver1417d\dgate.dic amended as follows:

    (0040,A30A) VERS="4" VR="SQ" VM="1" Keyword="MeasuredValueSequence" Name="Measured Value Sequence"

    But the problem persists.

    Alain Godard Châtellerault France. Je parle très mal anglais et je ne suis pas informaticien. Soyez indulgent :)

  • hi
    You had me made this proposal before. See message:
    In fact, whatever I do as a correction in dgate.dic I have the same message dsr2xml.exe.
    This error only occurs on two GE V730 (often but not always) but not on the GE E8 newer.
    Is the file is transmitted by the V730 which is not correct?
    I can post you a file to test if you wish.

    Alain Godard Châtellerault France. Je parle très mal anglais et je ne suis pas informaticien. Soyez indulgent :)

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