Welcome to the Conquest DICOM server forum

  • Dear Conquest users,

    welcome to this forum. Please use it to discuss features, bugs, ideas and problems of the Conquest DICOM server. We, the authors of the Conquest dicom server, wil regularly check the forum.

    When reporting a bug please state version, operating system, database used and other relevant details.

    The Conquest dicom server can be downloaded at:


    The latest version is 1.4.12 that was released on December 22, 2006.

    With kind regards,

    Marcel van Herk and Lambert Zijp


  • Hello,

    first of all, geat idea to give users the chance to discuss problems and features of conquest here, a really good prog.
    I d like to burn a weelky security copy to dvd, with the jukebox installation, but I ve probs to configure that.
    I want to create a folder where the files are stored in the size of a dvd to burn it with a third party software, like nero,, cause I dont use a jukebox. Is that possible?

  • Hi Users,

    I have been asking to fetch dicom images from Conquest DICOM software 1.4.13 that had been installed on Dicom server.
    For the client I am using DCMTK. I would like to configure the PACS that it knows that the move destination "MOVESCU" resides at a specific IP adress with the port that I am specifing with +P

    I have found acrnema.map that seems to me file which I am looking for. I have question, I have here four columns: AE Title, IP address, port number and compression value. I would like to add new line with my client attributes. I don't now what should I put for the AE Title? How I can restart the server?

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