Weird issue Forwarding images

  • I am having problems with Achieva Images. I have looked through the forums, but not found a suitable answer. I can send FROM the MRI to Conquest, and From Conquest to K-Pacs. I can then send FROM K-Pacs TO conquest, but I cannot send FROM Conquest TO Conquest.

    I have tried:

    dicom.ini - NoDICOMCheck = 1 - Did not help

    dgate.dic -

    (2001,0090) VERS="3" VR="LO" VM="1" Keyword="PrivateCreatorGroup2001" Name="Private Creator Group 2001"^M

    dgatesop.lst -

    PhilipsPrivateMRSpectrumStorage sop

    PhilipsPrivateMRSerieDataStorage sop

    PhilipsPrivateMRExamcardStorage sop

    And still nothing.

    I have tested with 1.5.0,a,b,c & d (Each in separate folders)

    Please help :-)

    This is my Send Error Log:

    Queue: retrying processing of file /home/user/pump-manual/data/MDR-00118/
    ExportConverter1.0: forward /home/user/pump-manual/data/MDR-00118/ to PUMP84B
    DICOM ERROR PDU:Connect failed due to corrupt transmission 0*** ExportConverter1.0: Forward failed to connect to host PUMP84B

    This is my receive error log:

  • Hi,

    there may be a (private?) sequence in the data that is not defined in dgate.dic on the receiving end. This could cause the parsing error (***Implicit_Parse encountered an invalid element length during load of DCM file (in 68506c69)).

    The error would only occur when data is sent with an implicit syntax, which is likely to be the default between two conquests.


  • How can I send the data without the implicit syntax?

    Do I comment out the line in dgatesop.lst? From what I've read, that only pertains to incoming, not outgoing.

    LittleEndianImplicit 1.2.840.10008.1.2 transfer

    I don't believe I NEED the data (Although I would prefer to keep all of the data complete). Would it be better to use LUA on incoming to strip OUT the private sequence?

    I have attached one image [ ] from an anonymized study (renamed .dcm to .txt), can you point me in the direction I need to go please?

    Thank you for all your help.

  • Hi, all items marked SQ should be in dgate.dic:

    0040,0260 0 SQ PerformedProtocolCod Sequence Item
    0040,0321 0 SQ FilmConsumptionSeque Sequence Item
    2001,105f 442 SQ StackSequence
    2005,1083 0 SQ TemporarySQ1 Sequence Item
    2005,1084 0 SQ Unknown Sequence Item
    2005,1402 58 SQ TemporarySQ2
    2005,140f 1052 SQ Unknown

    Can you try adding them?


  • Hi,

    this 32 bits version of dgate has an additional logging message that may help find the offending data in the communication. The length and element reported are are part of string 'Philips' but that occurs several time in the file.

    To use this dgate in your server temporarily rename or move your dgate64.exe and put this one in. The 64 bits version is too big to attach here.





      (942.45 kB, downloaded 39 times, last: )

    Marcel van Herk is developer of the Conquest DICOM server together with Lambert Zijp.

  • I had to make a test system in windows to try that... but attached is the output of the sender/receiver.

    I have also attached diffs of before/after using both dcmtk & dcm4che-toolkit

    I when using dcm4che, that if I do a dcmdump BEFORE it goes to Conquest, it dumps fine.

    If I do dcmdump AFTER it goes to Conquest, i get this, and have to force it with +E

    Using dcmtk, it changes all the values...

    dcmdump +E ECC686EC.dcm > ../MDR2.txt

    W: DcmItem: Element PrivateCreator (2001,0010) larger (1462092) than remaining bytes (426) of surrounding item

    E: dcmdump: Length of element larger than explicit length of surrounding item: reading file: ECC686EC.dcm

  • This usually happens when conquest does not understand an item is a sequence, it is then transmitted binary but may have another coding than the surrounding. Too bad the error is different, I added a message to the invalid length one.

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