
  • Hi,

    I'm an equine vet.

    I use now the Conquest server to store digital X ray images, and to view them with radiant.

    As SendtoPacs is an app to convert all types of files into dicom, I think to bring other relevant clinical patient documentation (as Iphone pictures, I phone video, non-dicom ultrasound images or video's...) in the Conquest server, to be able to find and view them in the same time as the X ray images.

    Is that a possibility?

    Thank you


  • Hi Dries,

    yes it should be for images, but videos are unfortunately not supported. Conquest is able to transcode any compression it supports, and it does not contain video codecs.


  • Hi Dries,

    this is unlikely to happen, I intended once to add to allow conquest store images with given compression but this is a lot of work as it is contrary to its current design.


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