Posts by perbeemd

    Hi marcel,

    Thank you for the feedback.

    Is there an intention in Conquest to support video codecs in the future? Are there other solutions for me?

    Thank you



    I'm an equine vet.

    I use now the Conquest server to store digital X ray images, and to view them with radiant.

    As SendtoPacs is an app to convert all types of files into dicom, I think to bring other relevant clinical patient documentation (as Iphone pictures, I phone video, non-dicom ultrasound images or video's...) in the Conquest server, to be able to find and view them in the same time as the X ray images.

    Is that a possibility?

    Thank you



    My Conquestsrv doesn't accept files from 'Sendtopacs', a tool to convert different file(extensions) to dicom.

    Could you help me how to fix this....
