Possible to send images using command-line?

  • Using the conquest GUI, images get transferred to my PACS great. I want to implement this into a script where I am using other tools to convert images, with the final step being the image gets sent by the script. Is there a way to use dgate64.exe to send uncompressed images through command-line / powershell / etc?

  • Sure:

    dgate --move:

    Note that is is quite particular about the syntax. And you need to know UIDs of what your sending.


    DICOM move options:

    --movepatient:source,dest,patid Move patient, source e.g. (local)

    --movestudy:source,dest,patid:studyuid Move study, patid: optional

    --moveaccession:source,dest,patid:acc Move by Accession#, patid: optional

    --movestudies:source,dest,date(range) Move studies on date

    --moveseries:src,dst,patid:seruid,stuid Move series patid: optional

    --move:src,dst,p,st,ser,sop Move patient..image

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