Modify PatientName lua

  • Hi

    trying to modify PatientName with following Statement in "dicom.ini" doesn't work;


    ImportConverter0 = Data.PatientName = string.gsub(Data.PatientName,"ü","ü")

    however running "Data.PatientName = string.gsub(Data.PatientName,"ü","ü");"

    in "ModifyDicom" Window does the job!

    Thanks in advance for comments.


  • Hi

    I couldn't solve the issue using string.byte(), so I looked for a different way:


    ImportConverter0 = Data.PatientName = string.gsub(Data.PatientName,"ü","ü")

    didn't work, so I changed the script to


    ImportConverter0 = dofile("PatientName.lua")

    where "PatientName.lua" contains the above string ... and it's working!

    Thanks anyway

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