Prefetch previous study by body part

  • Hello,

    I have a Conquest Server v 1.4.17c that’s been receiving primarily CR (now DX) studies and routing to two local workstations and an off-site radiologist. It’s been running fine for years with no issues.

    The radiologist is now requesting that when the server receives a Chest exam, that the previous Chest on that patient be autorouted to him as well. This is only required for Chests and not other body parts. The routing to the two local workstations can continue unchanged.

    I’m not sure how prefetch by body part can be accomplished. For instance (in reading the forums) I know it’s possible to prefetch by modality so I imagine it must be possible to prefetch by body part. I’m just not sure how to do it.

    Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

  • Yes,

    it start with something like:

    importconverter0 = process study by prefetch.lua(%VStudyInstanceUID)

    where prefetch.lua can be something like:


    q.StudyInstanceUID = command_line

    q.QueryRetrieveLevel = 'Series'

    q.SeriesInstanceUID = ''

    q.BodyPart = ''

    q.SeriesDate = ''

    series =dicomquery('PACS', 'SERIES', q)

    for i=0, #series-1 do

    print(series[i].SeriesInstanceUID, series[i].BodyPart)


    Eventually you need to do a dicommove of the right series to the right place.


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