PACS > PACS communication

  • Hello.
    Please help in this matter.
    We already have one dicom server and we want to configure the conquest server to function as a backup server. In the conquest we add in the tab known dicom providers AE, ip and the port of our server, and conquest we authenticate on our server. Now, just as we try to send a test directly from the X-ray or TOMMO station, everything goes good, but when we want to send the same test, but via our pacs console (it works with other servers) we get only messages in the logs:>: 20.03 .2018 18:20:54 READ: A_ASSOCIATE_RQ <: 20/03/2018 18:20:54 SEND: A_ASSOCIATE_RJ
    Silence in the conquest logs...
    For some reasons, we can not upload these files from the tech console, only from dicom server to dicom server.

    Best regards.

  • Hi,

    if the conquest logs shown nothing, this suggest there is a networking issue, i.e., use of the wrong IP address or port in the big pacs.

    Otherwise you can also try to enable jpg2000 support.


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