Web Interface, How to install manually?

  • Hi All,
    I am running Ubuntu 16.04 server on a virtual server and I have installed Conquest sqlite version from the ubuntu repositories, However this does not seem to install the web interface, or at least if it has installed it then something else is wrong as it doesn't work.
    Is there a way that I could manually install and set up the web interface?

    BTW Thanks for the great work on this project, I previously tried the windows version with great success however I have absolutely no desire to set-up a windows server.

    Steve Chadbond
    Digital Imaging Specialist

  • Hi,

    the webserver consists of the regular binary dgate, a specialised dicom.ini and a for the newer ones bunch of lua scripts in cgi-bin/newweb. I have not tried the ubunto repository myself, but is a somewhat older version, so the webserver in the 1.4.19b distribution may not fully work.


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