Routing Images to Multiple Servers

  • Hi!

    Would this be the proper syntax in Dicom.ini to route one study to multiple PACS? (Dicom routing without database).

    # Configuration of rules to modify, log or reject incoming DICOM slices
    ImportConverter0 = ifequal "%m", "US"; {forward to STENTOR_SCP channel *;forward to SYNAPSE channel *; destroy;"}
    ImportConverter1 = ifequal "%m", "XA"; {forward to STENTOR_SCP channel *;forward to SYNAPSE channel *; destroy;"}
    ImportConverter2 = ifequal "%m", "CT"; {forward to STENTOR_SCP channel *;forward to SYNAPSE channel *; destroy;"}

  • Hi,

    This does indeed look OK. The channel * clause means that each new incoming association creates a new outgoing association such that they can be kept open as long as compatible data is forwarded. However, I would move the destroy to a new last import converter.


  • Will do (move destroy). Thanks!

    If we were talking sending one study to more than 2 or three pacs, is ExportConverters prefered? I thought I saw something in the manual that discouraged using too many send points for ImportConverters...

  • Hi,

    you need a database for exprt converters - they work delayed and in parallel. Import converters have the channel * clause to distribute the load, but if you have too many they will start to slow each other down. So there are pros and cons


  • It's working for one (Stentor), but not the other (Synapse)

    [MS206OUTSIDE] UPACS THREAD 243: STARTED AT: Thu Aug 03 13:20:17 2017
    [MS206OUTSIDE] Calling Application Title : "CEDEV "
    [MS206OUTSIDE] Called Application Title : "MS206OUTSIDE "
    [MS206OUTSIDE] Application Context : "1.2.840.10008.", PDU length: 131072
    [MS206OUTSIDE] Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008." 1
    [MS206OUTSIDE] ImportConverter0.3: forwarded object to STENTOR_SCP
    [MS206OUTSIDE] ImportConverter0.3: forwarded object to SYNAPSE
    [MS206OUTSIDE] *** Importconverter0.3 error: "}
    [MS206OUTSIDE] Importconverter3.0: destroyed received image

    What's the ImportConverter0.3 error message mean?

    This is what I have setup in Dicom.ini

    # Configuration of rules to modify, log or reject incoming DICOM slices
    ImportConverter0 = ifequal "%m", "US"; {forward to STENTOR_SCP channel *;forward to SYNAPSE channel *;"}
    ImportConverter1 = ifequal "%m", "XA"; {forward to STENTOR_SCP channel *;forward to SYNAPSE channel *;"}
    ImportConverter2 = ifequal "%m", "CT"; {forward to STENTOR_SCP channel *;forward to SYNAPSE channel *;"}
    ImportConverter3 = destroy

  • If I reverse them, the first server gets images, the second does not. The VPN for server #2 is having issues, so I'll have to stop testing until a later date. I may not need to split my feed anyway, as I'm hearing we won't be sending to two pacs for much longer. Thanks!

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