Database entries missing after full regen

  • My dicom images are stores on MAG0 (harddisk on server PC) and MAG1 (NAS) added later
    I recently made a MySql database regen: all the patients (folders) on harddisk were entered correctly into database, but only a half or less of studies stored on NAS are linked after regen completed.
    Any ideas?
    How can I re-enter folders (based on date or ID) without another MAG1 regeneration (actually takes about a week) ?

  • OK, I got it. But the last version of database-entries are still available during regen (I mean new folders are added) or there is a wipe out of entire database at the beginning of the process?
    Has the regendir command a generic argument, like 1* or something ?

  • No,

    it just adds.Only dgate --regen: initializes the database.

    Could it be a windows permissions issue why some folders were not added?

    there is no wildcard for regendir, use a batch file to loop it.


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