Grab Missing Images

  • Hi Marcel. I've been testing the dgate -gSERVER,yyyymmdd command on a Conquest 1.4.19beta/MySQL instance (to sync an offsite server) but when initiated it crashes the MySQL service due to upwards of 2500 queries at once. The Find Missing Patients from the GUI works fine and I can't seem to get --grabimagesfromserver:AE,DATE working. Have tried earlier versions of dgate and dgate64 but same problem. Any ideas? Thanks... Trent.

  • sqlite seems to work ok. I have noticed it only uses so many queries when querying a days worth or more of studies.. eg if there's no local images from the previous day it will work ok.. If you query again once the day is local it crashes mysql as mentioned. Thanks.

  • Hi,

    there is a MySQL issue that is known. In the GUI it uses the following code during install to fix it:

    // change TCPIP parameters for mysql choke problem
    if Registry.OpenKey('SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters', false) then
    if not(Registry.ValueExists('MaxUserPort') and Registry.ValueExists('TcpTimedWaitDelay')) then
    if MessageDlg('Change TCPIP parameters to fix mysql problems ?', mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo], 0) = mrYes then
    Registry.WriteInteger('MaxUserPort', 65534);
    Registry.WriteInteger('TcpTimedWaitDelay', 30);

    Can you try to make this change in the registry?



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