How to configure the webserver

  • Hello I am trying to setup the webserver for the first time.

    I have installed WAMP version 2, Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard

    Currently we are just testing the servers and I am running 3 instances on the same box. All 3 have different names and all 3 are using different ports.

    SERVERA 5678
    SERVERB 5679
    SERVERC 5680

    The 3 instances are my D:\ drive

    If someone could please give me a hint of where to start, what I am going to be doing wrong or if there is another thread. Thank you.

  • Hi,

    there is a webserver folder in the install with folders that should be copied to the corresponding folders in the WAMP folder. A config file called dicom.ini in the cgi-bin folder configures which server it looks at. This will be one of the three. For the others you can create shortcuts overriding the port, e.g., http:\\\cgi-bin\dgate.exe?mode=top&port=5679

    hope this helps


  • I really appreciate the help. I still cannot make this work. Maybe because I am trying to run the 3 instances.

    I installed WAMP

    So in my folder C:\wamp\www I created a new folder called "cgi-bin"

    Copied the entire contents of the D:\dicomserverA\webserver\cgi-bin from the zip that I originally downloaded.

    This is what my dicom.ini looks like because the server is on a different windows partition (D:)

    I restarted the server, it appears online when I go to the address, I have the dicomserverA running but I am not getting results.

    I am sorry if there is something missing please let me know what I can provide to maybe help. Thank you again.

  • Hi,

    the cgi interface default contacts the port configured in the posted dicom.ini which is 5678.

    WebServerFor =
    TCPPort = 5678

    Is the server running on this port? Further see nothing wrong. Maybe go back to the cgi-bin/dicom.ini delivered in the release? It could also be a firewall issue.



  • Hm,

    I though "no results" meant something else. The screenshots indicate the CGI interface is not enabled in the web server, i.e. the executable is not run.

    In my xampp the correct folder is C:\xampp\cgi-bin (which exists by default), so maybe you put it in the wrong folder?


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