rewrite files to three locations simultaniously?

  • I am an IT person fairly new to DICOM servers and I'm trying to setup Conquest to write to three locations at the same time - the primary storage, backup storage and a folder path that uploads and deletes whatever is placed in it. My understanding of MAGDevices in dicom.ini was flawed - I though that if I configured all three paths there and set the value to 3 then it would write to all three. It seems that this parameter instead is used to provide failover paths for when storage devices fill up.

    Is there any way to get Conquest to write to three paths at once (similar to how it writes to several AEs at once)?

    PS, I am going through the manual but I rather urgently need a solution so any assistance is much appreciated :D

    Thank you!

  • Hi,

    Use should use MagDevice0 and MirrorDevice0 to write to 2 locations (setting MagDevices and MirrorDevices to 1). A third would require scripting but would not offer failsafe.


  • Thank you Marcel. Now that you point it out, I do see it in the manual :)

    I am asking the following question without researching first :), but are the scripts something that would be available somewhere in sample form? I can always use another program to backup to the third location, but having a realtime copy made to the backup location would be ideal.

    Our scenario is this:

    Dicom images from X-Ray -> Conquest
    Conquest ->
    copy to AEs: CD Burner, dicom viewer workstations
    copy to primary storage on local HD
    copy to directory where another program watches for new studies, uploads them to the cloud-based EHR and deletes them.
    copy to backup NAS (this is the part that would be scripted or accomplished with SyncBack)

    I'm an experienced IT guy but new to DICOM and medical imaging, so any pointers are greatly appreciated (even if it is just validation of the above or to tell me that I'm clueless) :)
    Thank you!

  • Hi,

    the NAS should use the mirror device. The other save could be as simple as:

    ImportConverter0 = save to f:\folder\%o.dcm

    this would save each incoming file with its UID as filename.


  • I tried to use import converter but it simply crashed the background service.

    This is the solution that worked for me:

    ExportConverters = 4
    ExportConverter0 = forward to AEexample1
    ExportConverter1 = forward to AEexample2
    ExportConverter2 = forward to AEexample3
    ExportConverter3 = system mkdir "C:\CoreConnect\studies\%i"; copy %f to C:\CoreConnect\studies\%i

    mkdir all by itself did nothing. Turning on debug didn't help at all as I'm guessing that the scripting isn't tied into the debug flag.

    Hope this helps someone save hours of frustration I had :(

    Marcel, I don't understand why you said to use ImportConverter for my problem... can you explain the rational? Thank you greatly for all your assistance and patience.

    PS, mirror worked fabulously! With all of the above I am able to save in three places and send to three AEs... fantastic!


  • I tried to use the following command but it doesn't work.

    1. System mkdir E:\backup\ This command doesn't work for me on windows.
    ImportConvertor0 = system mkdir 'E:\backup\'

    2. I want to create folders in the backup in the same way it is created on the PRODUCTION. So that both PRODUCTION and BACKUP are sync.

    ImportConverter0 = copy %f to E:\backup\%studydate\%id-(%name)\%VSeriesDescription\%series%counter.dcm

    This command doesn't work instead it gives me error.
    HPACS] Importconverter0.0 executes: copy E:\images\10801\1.2.392.200036.9125.3.25153170193106.64743043577.6206085_1001_001001_14391859480000.dcm to E:\studies\10801d\10801
    [HPACS] *** Exportconverter0.0: Failed to copy E:\images\10801\1.2.392.200036.9125.3.25153170193106.64743043577.6206085_1001_001001_14391859480000.dcm to E:\studies\10801d\10801

  • Okie. But the portion marked in red is not executed. Just like the files are saved in normal location.

    ImportConverter0 = copy %f to E:\backup\%studydate\%id-(%name)\%VSeriesDescription\%series%counter.dcm

  • Hi,

    %f does not exist yet for an IMPORT converter, it executes before the image is stored. Use "save to" or such together with mkdir.

    To check the syntax prepend with "nop " and look at the log.


  • Hi

    But i want to add that save to doesn't work for me but copy to with %f did....

    Can you tell me the short code for following as i cannot find them in the manual

    1. Patient Name :
    2. Concat Patient name and Patient ID using Import Converter for making directory structure Patient Name-Patient ID (Tom-123)


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