All studies transfer

  • Hi,
    I would like to transfer all studies from one server where images are NKI compressed using V2 format. Destination is a new Conquest server where images are kept in standard DICOM format. The main problem is that if I select large number of studies to be moved I always get after 5 minutes: DICOM move error: Association lost. I tried to change TCPIPTimeOut but with no effect.
    Does anyone know a better way of exporting all studies to a new server or drive where the output is in row DICOM format? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


  • Hi,

    The timeout should not affect transfer. But the best option is to create a batch file or lua script to move study by study. Lua and free zerobrane studio as script GUI is quite friendly and there are sample scripts close to this.


  • Ok –thanks for an idea. I have put a few lines in a batch file creating a loops where date is being increase by one day. Single loop for each month. Conquest can nicely cope with one day of studies at the time. There is 150 seconds brake between each command so the server can finish all the threads.

    FOR /L %%G IN (20100101,1,20100131) DO (dgate64 --movestudies:conquestsrv1,conquestsrv2,%%G & timeout /t 150)

    FOR /L %%G IN (20100201,1,20100229) DO (dgate64 --movestudies:conquestsrv1,conquestsrv2,%%G & timeout /t 150)

    FOR /L %%G IN (20100301,1,20100331) DO (dgate64 --movestudies:conquestsrv1,conquestsrv2,%%G & timeout /t 150)


  • I once moved to a new server with a volume of roughly 4TB of dicom data.

    The best way was just via drag'n'drop the aold storage directory into the new Conquest server interface. This way your data will be moved to the new server and directories including the change in compression (v2 vs std dicom) - takes a while though even 1Gb connection

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