Windows GUI taking very long to open

  • As in the topic - when I try to open ConquestDICOMServer.exe it takes a looong time to show up. I mean like 10minutes.
    The tray icon shows up instantly but the main GUI takes forever.

    I checked the database logs, nothing special there, so it doesn't look like a database problem (as in long query etc).

    I suspect that the cause lies in the number of catalogs that are in the main data folder. GUI lists them in one of the tabs.
    I have about 100.000 catalogs there and it normaly takes about the same amout of time to just enter this catalog using windows explorer/totalcommande etc

    Sooo.. if that is the case, any workaround to speed up GUI loading time?

  • Hi,

    I assume you use dbase as database. Try to change over to SQLite. To convert delete or rename dicom.ini, restart the server and select SQLite and then regenerate.



  • Nope, I use PG and like I said - it does NOT look like a database problem. I'm constantly logging all queries which take longer than 500ms to execute and I don't see any from conquest.

    It is probably the fault of windows not being able to handle so much directories/files in my MAG0 directory. There are about 100.000 dirs with 35.000.000 files in them.
    When you open the GUI, you are listing all of those directories and probably this is the problem.

  • Hi,

    I am not aware that the GUI listing the folders could be a problem. Can you replace rename the MAG0 folder in dicom.ini with its unc version e.g., //server/share, and see if things improve. When the folder is unc, the config page does not show the folder tree.


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