creating directory

  • Hi
    I would like to create directory with jpg's
    i use ExportConverter but something is wrong

    this is my dicom.ini

    ExportConverters = 4
    ExportConverter0 = mkdir /var/www/study/%V0008,0050/thumb
    ExportConverter1 = mkdir /var/www/study/%V0008,0050/zip
    ExportConverter2 = dcmj2pnm +oj +Wm --scale-x-size 600 %f /var/www/study/"%V008,0050"/thumb/%b.jpg
    ExportConverter3 = ifnumequal "%V0020,0013", "1"; forward to mirth

    and this is result

    Export converter create directories but when tray to put there images doesn't recognize directory

    Mirror copy: /PLYTY/16227/3454000d.dcm
    Exportconverter2.0 executes: dcmj2pnm +oj +Wm --scale-x-size 600 ./data/16227/3454000d.dcm /var/www/study/"008,0050"/thumb/3454000d.jpg
    Exportconverter3.0 executes: ifnumequal "30", "1"
    Exportconverter3.1 not executed because of previous statement
    Exportconverter1.0: mkdir /var/www/study/16227/zip
    Exportconverter0.0: mkdir /var/www/study/16227/thumb
    F: cannot create file /var/www/study/008,0050/thumb/3454000d.jpg

    thank's for help

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