Posts by llabiszewski

    I have a little problem with import image.

    The AccessionNumber of image is 49269
    the FileNameSyntax = %V0008,0050\%image.dcm

    but when i try to import image, conquest makieng a directory with number 499/image.


    • 49269.JPG

      (114.65 kB, downloaded 366 times, last: )

    I make somethink like this
    and it's works for me fine :D
    ImportConverter0 = Global.AutoRoutePipe = Data.AccessionNumber; print(Global.AutoRoutePipe)
    EndAssociation = sleep(10000);system ('c:\\duplikator\\dicomdir64.exe'); sleep(10000)

    I made something like this
    ImportConverter0 = Global.AutoRoutePipe = Data.AccessionNumber; print(Global.AutoRoutePipe)
    EndAssociation = if Global.AutoRoutePipe then system ('c:\\duplikator\\myown.exe') end;
    it work's
    but there is a little problem..... The myown.exe file starts so many times as many times incoming data come in.
    For example: If study has 10 images, the conquest starts myown.exe file ten times.

    I would like to corect my script in the way it will start only when all data from one study will come. (ex. the script will run only once after 10 images will come in.)

    Could you help me to correct the script?

    How to run remote file.exe or fils.vbs when conquest get patient data??

    i tray something like this, but doesn't work
    in dicom.ini
    source = dicomdir.lua

    in file dicom.lua
    When I start dicom.lua from command line it's works.

    or mayby

    #ImportConverter1 = Global.AutoRoutePipe = Data.AcessionNumber; print(Global.AutoRoutePipe)
    #EndAssociation = if Global.AutoRoutePipe~='' then servercommand('call dicomdir.vbs') end; Global.AutoRoutePipe=''

    hank's for any suggestions

    Hi, Marcel
    I already use lua to make zip archive and it's work fine.
    Now zip archives make in the pacs directory /pacs/pacs_files.....
    How to move them "on lua script" to the /pacs/www/study/%V0008,0050/zip/

    ImportConverter0 = Global.AutoRoutePipe = Data.PatientID; print(Global.AutoRoutePipe)
    EndAssociation = if Global.AutoRoutePipe~='' then servercommand('export:'..Global.AutoRoutePipe..',,,,'..Global.AutoRoutePipe..'.zip') end; Global.AutoRoutePipe=''

    Hi I would like to refresh topic
    I am wondering, is any possibility to convert my bash script to lua
    My script makes zip's file include e-film-light browser and dicom DICOMDIR files.

    for dir in `ls "$src/"`

    for file in "$src/$dir"/*;
    target=$(echo "$file" | sed -e "s/\.dcm//")
    mv "$source" "$target"
    #if use v2 file
    # for file in "$src/$dir"/*;
    # do
    # source="$file"
    # target=$(echo "$file" |sed -e "s/\.v2//")
    # mv "$source" "$target"
    # done

    for FILE in "$src/$dir"/* ; do mv "$FILE" `echo "$FILE" | tr "a-z" "A-Z"`; done
    for plik in "$src/$dir"/*; do dcmconv +te "$plik" "$plik"; done
    mkdir "$src/$dir/"DATA
    for plik in "$src/$dir"/*; do mv "$plik" "$src/$dir"/DATA; done

    cd "/$src/$dir/"
    for ddir in *; do dcmmkdir DATA/* +D DICOMDIR; done

    cp -r /pacs/efilm/* "$src/$dir"/

    ##cd "$src/$dir"

    for f in "$src/$dir";
    do if [ -d "$f" ]; then zip -r "$f".zip "$f";

    mv "$src"/*.zip /var/www/study/zip/
    rm -rf /PLYTY/*

    I would like to somebody help me to convert my bash script to lua script which made a zip file include study, DICOMDIR with efilmlt.

    Iwould like to import or recive images with data from DICOMWorklist.
    I make a import converter but doesnt work. Is it possible to do or not

    On my example worklist i have got one record

    ImportConverter0 = set 0008,0020 to "%QW0008,0020" save to MEDDO
    ImportConverter1 = set 0008,0050 to "%QW0008,0050" save to MEDDO
    ImportConverter2 = set 0008,0080 to "%QW0008,0080" save to MEDDO
    ImportConverter3 = set 0008,0081 to "%QW0008,0081" save to MEDDO
    ImportConverter4 = set 0008,0082 to "%QW0008,0082" save to MEDDO
    ImportConverter5 = set 0008,1010 to "%QW0008,1010" save to MEDDO
    ImportConverter6 = set 0010,0010 to "%QW0010,0010" save to MEDDO
    ImportConverter7 = set 0008,0060 to "%QW0008,0060" save to MEDDO
    ImportConverter8 = set 0008,0090 to "%QW0008,0090" save to MEDDO
    ImportConverter9 = set 0010,0010 to "%QW0010,0010" save to MEDDO
    ImportConverter10 = set 0010,0020 to "%QW0010,0020" save to MEDDO
    ImportConverter11 = set 0040,0010 to "%QW0040,0010" save to MEDDO
    ImportConverter12 = set 0010,2154 to "%QW0010,2154" save to MEDDO
    ImportConverter13 = set 0080,0005 to "%QW0008,0005" save to MEDDO
    ImportConverter14 = set 0032,1032 to "%QW0032,1032" save to MEDDO
    ImportConverter15 = set 0010,1040 to "%QW0010,1040" save to MEDDO

    Thanks for any suggestions

    Is it possible to make something like "synchronisation" on Conquest DICOM


    I have two instance of conquest DICOM on the same server

    First one is a base DICOM server "EA MAIN" and the second one is backup DICOM Server "EA APARAT".

    Both of them receiving the same messages WORKLIST from HIS.

    The point:
    SERVER "EA APARAT" has a DICOM studies (different other than MAIN DICOM SERVER "EA MAIN").

    When HIS query "EA MAIN" DICOM server (have you got study nr 1234) it will Import missing study from Backup DICOM SERVER "EA APARAT".
    Or BACKUP DICOM SERVER "EA APARAT" will send missing images to the MAIN DICOM SERVER "EA MAIN".

    Thanks for any suggestions

    I would like to create directory with jpg's
    i use ExportConverter but something is wrong

    this is my dicom.ini

    ExportConverters = 4
    ExportConverter0 = mkdir /var/www/study/%V0008,0050/thumb
    ExportConverter1 = mkdir /var/www/study/%V0008,0050/zip
    ExportConverter2 = dcmj2pnm +oj +Wm --scale-x-size 600 %f /var/www/study/"%V008,0050"/thumb/%b.jpg
    ExportConverter3 = ifnumequal "%V0020,0013", "1"; forward to mirth

    and this is result

    Export converter create directories but when tray to put there images doesn't recognize directory

    Mirror copy: /PLYTY/16227/3454000d.dcm
    Exportconverter2.0 executes: dcmj2pnm +oj +Wm --scale-x-size 600 ./data/16227/3454000d.dcm /var/www/study/"008,0050"/thumb/3454000d.jpg
    Exportconverter3.0 executes: ifnumequal "30", "1"
    Exportconverter3.1 not executed because of previous statement
    Exportconverter1.0: mkdir /var/www/study/16227/zip
    Exportconverter0.0: mkdir /var/www/study/16227/thumb
    F: cannot create file /var/www/study/008,0050/thumb/3454000d.jpg

    thank's for help

    at the beginning explain what I want to achieve.
    I use conquest dicom and mirthconnect.
    When conquest get study from CR device, sending it do mirth dicom port.
    ExportConverter0 = forward to MIRTH

    The problem is when the CT or MR sends study. Then conquest sending every image to mirth.
    How to limit this to one image or one message.

    Or maybe somebody implement mpps from dcmtk library ppsscpfs.

    I would like to send information to the mirth that the study was done.

    Thank's for any suggestions

    I resolved my problem.
    It was very simple (now it very simple :D).
    The problem wasn't EA title in this case, but ISO character.
    I make wrong with MSH.19, contents: ISO_IR_101.
    Good hl7 tag is ISO_IR 101. IR without "_"101.
    I missed this in error log
    [LUKASZC] Values: DICOMWorkList.SpecificCh = E'ISO_IR 101' and DICOMWorkList.Modality = E'CR' and

    Now everything working fine. (For this time).