Image Slice Thickness

  • Hi,

    Thickness and distance are independent. They define if the thick slices overlap or not.

    you can add slice thickness to the database. A regenerate would be necessary though.

    Otherwise you can to fetch one series of each image using a script to read the header.


  • There is quite a strange behavior of conquest.

    If i added this line in dicom.sql : { 0x0018, 0x0050, "Slice Thickness", 16, SQL_C_CHAR, DT_STR }

    and i close the server and restart it i got the following error message

    The server is not running properly : no connection
    Probable cause : NT Service failed to start (check account and password)

    and if i remove above mentioned sql, the server starts without any error.

    and secondly the error / bug i just noticed is the database column names. in dicom.sql the column name is Hospital Address but in database its hospitalAdd. How can i make them readable...

    and after first run of conquest. dicom.sql and dicom.ini is generated. i change the tables names from DICOMPATIENT to just PATIENT. On regenerating database the server instead of renaming old tables generate new tables.

  • This is the exact line you need tp add:

    { 0x0018, 0x0050, "SliceThickness", 16, SQL_C_CHAR, DT_STR },

    No spaces are allowed, and indeed the name is truncated. Yoy cant change that, query for SliceThick


  • Thanks Marcel! I got it up and running with your support.

    An error / bug i just noticed is the database column names. in dicom.sql the column name is HospitalAddress but in database its hospitalAdd. How can i make them readable for future use..

    and after first run of conquest. dicom.sql and dicom.ini is generated. i change the tables names from DICOMPATIENT to just PATIENT. On regenerating database the server instead of renaming old tables generate new tables.


  • Hi,

    as some of the field and database names are hardcoded in the source code you should NOT change them. You will have to live with the shortened names. If you change them your are on your own. For instance, the web interface will fail.


  • okie thanks. i will live with the short column names :(

    Sorry for asking this question in the post. i am using dgate.exe --deletepatient:1234.

    This command is executed once and after that on server console it shows deleting patient but no in actual no patient is deleted. Please guide.


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