Synchronization of Conquest and Xeleris

  • Hi,

    First of all - sorry if this is a trivial or stupid question. But here I go anyways... At our hospital were are using Xeleris (a GE owned software analysis package) which holds all of our image data. A Conquest server is used to backup these data in DICOM format. Unfortunately, the Xeleris system cannot automatically forward any images to the Conquest automatically which makes backup a manual and cumbersome task. The Xeleris system exposes a DICOM server enabling retrieving and pushing of images possible. Would it be possible to synchronize the Conquest server and the Xeleris archive? Is the keyword here ImportConverters?

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

  • Hi,

    Import and ExportConverters are about modifying and routing the data.

    What you look for is the find missing patients button. This will for selected data compare the images and populate the patient ID bix with a comma separated list of patients that have missing data.

    The "Find Local Missing Patients" button finds all patient data on the selected DICOM system
    that is not present on the LOCAL server for copying to a DESTINATION server. For example,
    to grab all new data from a CT scanner, enter today’s date into "Study date", select the CT
    scanner as DICOM system, and select the local server as DESTINATION. Push "Find Local
    Missing Patients", which may take a while. The missing patients (if any) are listed. Then push
    "Copy to destination" to copy the missing patients into the local server

    On the command line you can start something similar with:

    dgate -gXELERIS,yyyymmdd

    where it would grab anything given the study date yyyymmdd and XELERIS is the AE of your system.


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