Issues with receiving sent images.

  • Our setup is the following;
    Vidar scanner using Clinical Express 5.0 to scan film
    Conquest Server on the same computer that the scanner is on
    The actual location where the dcms are getting sent are on a Drobo unit on the server that my department uses for scanning.

    This is the issue. Last week in 1 day we scanned 16 patients with 429 films. The films were sent to the server the next morning. All films showed up in the folders but some of them were not showing up with an image on the server. The file size is only 2kb. The other files that the images do show on have file sizes larger than 2mb. The next day we did rescanning and started resending the patients that had 2kb files, everything was sending fine with out issues. All films sent to the server are showing proper file size. I don't know what the server status was showing when the files were corrupting. This happened last week and so far this week has nothing has corrupted. I don't want to run into this issue again.

    Is this a common issue or a rare one? Also I took the Conquest.db3 file out of its location and did not get anymore errors about the patient already being in the server.


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