Migrating to Windows 7

  • Hello... I have recently migrated my companies IQ View computer from XP to Windows 7. We replaced the box so I still have the old system, however, I mis-read the instructions I was given and Uninstalled the program before de-authorizing it. How can I go about getting the uninstall code to register the new machine?

    Thank you.

  • Could you explain more precisely what you did? You uninstalled iQ-VIEW and then replaced the operating system?

    Anyways, if your old Windows, where iQ-VIEW was installed, is still able to run, you can simply re-install iQ-VIEW. Uninstalling does not invalidate the license. Then you can reset the license from within iQ-VIEW.

  • Thank you for replying back.
    The box for IQ-View was an older system running Win XP so we decided to replace it with a new Win7 x64. The new box is running good but I just need to get the license moved over to it. I accidentally uninstalled IQ-View from the old box before de authorizing it. I didn't want to try re-installing without confirming as to avoid breaking anything else.

    To de authorize the license, does it have to be reinstalled with the same version that was on there? I don't have the old install file, I inherited this project... The new computer was installed with the latest version from the downloads here.

  • Quote

    To de authorize the license, does it have to be reinstalled with the same version that was on there?

    Yes, you need the same iQ-VIEW version since they have different licenses.

    When you install the previously running iQ-VIEW version, you should see that the license is still valid and active inside iQ-VIEW.


    I don't have the old install file, I inherited this project... The new computer was installed with the latest version from the downloads here.

    You can find older versions in the download center as well. Even if your version is not listed, we can get that for you.

    But, as this is a serious license issue (money involved) I suggest you contact your vendor to get in touch about this issue. We try to give you technical support here whenever we can but a paying customer usually handles license issues and support through his vendor directly, which usually has the proper information right at hand or will get in contact with IMAGE Information Systems.

  • I have been trying to get ahold of my vendor but response times are not looking good. Would there be a direct email/number that I can contact someone here? We are getting down to the last week before the trial period ends.

    I am unable to find previous versions on your website. I tried the 2.8.0 download but it did not recognize a license.

  • We are sorry to hear that your local reseller did not yet get back to you.

    You may contact us directly at license [at] image-systems [dot] biz.

    Please shortly describe your case (what you did, what you are trying to achieve, where the current issues lie). Also provide the previous license information (your name, your institution, which product, which software version, license name and key). If you have not available all the information, please provide as much as possible. This will make it easier for our license department to track your license and get back to you with a solution as quickly as possible.

    We would like you to add also the name of your local reseller. We would like to keep them informed about the case and would also want to find out what the hold-up is.

    Thank you!

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