• Hi Marcel
    I'm a radiologist in Brazil and my clinic has Conquest is already installed with 12 TB storage of images.
    I''m installing a PACS and would like to know if there is some command line that DGATE can send exams do my PACS from conquest? For example: Send of all exams in CONQUEST of the interval from June 2010 to July 2010 to AE-TITLE of my PACS.
    Marcus Passos
    MD Radiologist

  • Look in manual and forum.

    From my experience the best is to write some batch file (cmd or bat or bash script) and put in it:
    dgate(64) "--movestudies:AET_SOURCE,AET_DEST,20100601"
    dgate(64) "--movestudies:AET_SOURCE,AET_DEST,20100602"


    replacing AET_SOURCE with your clinic PACS and DEST with your PACS
    But be warned that if there is huge number of image there could be some problems with multitasking this queries. And it's better to check sum of images after transmissions.

    BTW Maybe someone knows how to easy implement such a utility to compare to PACS (number of images for the same studies). I have some elements of this utility (command line utils) - maybe some perl scripts or other ideas?


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