Posts by mradio

    Hi Marcel
    I'm a radiologist in Brazil and my clinic has Conquest is already installed with 12 TB storage of images.
    I''m installing a PACS and would like to know if there is some command line that DGATE can send exams do my PACS from conquest? For example: Send of all exams in CONQUEST of the interval from June 2010 to July 2010 to AE-TITLE of my PACS.
    Marcus Passos
    MD Radiologist

    Hello Marcel,
    I am a radiologist in Brazil and I'm using Conquest Dicom Server for about two years with MySQL server on a Dell MD1000 with 15TB of storage, but only 4 TB is already in use. I'm having a little problem on query studies that are very slow. I talked to some consultants and told me that windows has a bug in the structure of the directories when they exceed more than 60 000 directory browsing turnning slow. PACS i ha've seen some that use the directory structure by type, subdirectories by Month and day. Would it not be better? Have you had any problems like this? Thanks, and sorry about my english. MD. Marcus Passos